Four Things Your SEO Company Doesn't Want You To Know

Search engine optimisation companies can be secretive when it suits them, and companies of ill repute often take advantage of clients lacking in specialist knowledge of the field. Here are four things your search engine optimisation company may not want you to know:

1. Keyword research is easy

While there are huge benefits to having your keyword research carried out by a specialist third-party organisation, the fact of the matter is that basic keyword research need not be difficult. Businesses are often better off leaving their research to the professionals, but private individuals can easily carry out useful keyword research using Google AdWords or a similar tool. Don't let your SEO company charge an exorbitant sum for the privilege, particularly if you gain little income from your website. 

2. Search engine optimisation lasts a long time

This depends on the specific nature of your business, industry, and search engine optimisation campaign plan - but as a general rule, the impact of a cleverly designed and implemented SEO campaign can last for months or even years after it has become inactive. Some companies cut corners, and these are unlikely to provide sustainable ranking gains - but those that engage in high-quality link building can make a lasting difference.

3. Search engine optimisation is rarely certain

For obvious reasons, most professionals are reluctant to admit the fact that search engine optimisation is rarely certain. Search engine operators introduce algorithm changes with such frequency and mystery that it is often difficult to recognise when trusted techniques become outdated. If you notice a sudden drop in the performance of your website, it is always worth checking whether any major algorithm changes have occurred. Remember that evaluating the relative significance of search engine ranking metrics is an extraordinarily difficult and involved process, and without a technical team to rival the world's largest internet companies, mistakes are to some extent inevitable, regardless of expertise. 

4. Search engine optimisation can be expensive

Some search engine optimisation companies will bend over backwards to obscure the size of the task at hand. Particularly when they are short of clients, some companies will be economical with the truth at best and downright dishonest at worst. It is not uncommon for companies to make wildly unrealistic claims about their potential for success, and in some cases this can result in costs spiralling out of control. Make sure that your SEO company gives you a realistic estimate of the duration required for the campaign to be a success. 

Most search engine optimisation companies are honest and straightforward in their dealings with clients and prospective clients. However, businesses can always be trusted to act in their own best interests, so be aware of these areas in which clients are often misled by the companies they employ. Although it may be tempting to take every word your agency says at face value, it is always worth asking probing questions to determine the truth of what they say - you might be surprised when a little inquiry reveals the odd lie.