How You Can Uncover the Secrets to Internet Marketing - Part 7

In my last article (part 6) I shared the fifth step with you concerning the secrets to Internet Marketing. I'm going to list off the sixth step of my system. The importance of knowing where to advertise.

6. Knowing the secret of exactly where to advertise

The reason this is a secret is because 95% of all internet marketers are failing. And the reason they're all failing is because they're all advertising in the wrong places. The reason I say they're all advertising in the wrong places is because they're not targeting their niche closely enough. Or in some cases they're not reaching their niche at all. And in even worse cases they don't have a niche. But let's talk about all the internet marketers that aren't reaching their niche.

Right now the average internet marketer is paying for clicks at places like Overture, Google Ad Words, and many other pay-per-click companies. And there's nothing wrong with these pay-per-click companies. They can be one of the best places to advertise if you know how to use them right. How are all these people using pay-per-click wrong? The 95% of failing internet marketers are paying for broad clicks that get clicks from the entire mass audience. A typical failing internet marketer is bidding on terms and keywords such as "Business Opportunities", "Make Money", "Internet Marketing", "MLM", "online sales", "internet shopping", "internet mall", "discount products", "health", etc. The marketers using keywords in the example above are failing.

Then there's a group of smarter people that aren't failing quite as bad as the group of failures I talked about above. They're getting slightly better results by using keywords such as "Books", "DVD", "Fishing", "Real estate", "Work at home", "Internet business", "Insurance", "Mortgage", "Golf", "Vitamins", "Healthy Diet", "Cosmetics" etc. And the reason this group of people are doing a little better is because they're getting a bit more specific about the keywords they're choosing. By targeting a less broad audience, they're actually paying less for their advertising and getting more sales per click than someone using keywords that appeal to the masses.

Now let's talk about the most exciting group of people that actually understand the power of using very specific keywords that appeal strictly to the people in their niche market. These successful marketers are using very carefully chosen keywords such as "Trout fishing books", "trout fishing lures", "Work-out DVD", "Exercise DVD", "Video dance lessons", "Work out video", "Southern California real estate", "Florida homes for sale", "Part time work at home", "Car Insurance", "Home Mortgage", "Discount golf clubs", "Complete Vitamin Supplements", "MLM Vitamin", "Low fat diet", "Low carb diet", "Clearance Cosmetics", "Avon Make up", "Mary Kay Make-up", "Mary Kay Lip stick", "Avon eye shadow", etc. As you can see, the successful group of marketers that use keywords like the examples above know how to target their niche group. By using much more specific keywords, they know and understand that less non-interested people will type those keywords into the search engines. They know the mass, broad audience will never even think to type those keywords into a search engine. And this is important because that means you won't be paying for a bunch of wasted clicks from people that typed your keyword in by mistake.

Being very specific and targeting your niche keywords carefully, you'll be able to easily and effectively reach your target niche audience that you're after. And you'll be able to reach them for less money than your competitors who don't have this information or knowledge. Plus you can take this whole principle offline and use the same technique to advertise in specialized magazines with lower circulation, which means lower ad prices and a more responsive niche audience.

You'll find most of the offline marketers have made their fortunes by ignoring the major publications like USA Today, Cosmopolitan, and the National Enquirer. Sure these, magazines have the largest audience but that's because their audience is the "Mass Audience" or "Broad Audience." And it's because of this huge audience of readers that these types of ads in major publications cost so much.

But when you advertise in those publications, you're always paying to reach hundreds of thousands of readers that won't even be interested in your product or ad. So your tiny ad just ends up being like a needle in a hay stack inside these large publications.

If you're interested in marketing to the business opportunity seeker niche or get-rich-quick niche, you can take out an ad in Entrepreneur magazine, Small business start-ups, or any Home Business magazine But on the other hand if you were at a friends house and saw a copy of "Parrot Breeders Monthly" sitting on the coffee table, you'll probably have no desire to pick it up, but if you took that magazine and set it on the doorstep of someone who breeds parrots, I guarantee they'd read it cover to cover without skipping a word.

Now just imagine what kind of response you'd get if you placed an ad in that magazine that said: "Famous parrot breeder reveals the secret to teaching any parrot to do 7 amazing tricks in 7 days.

For FREE REPORT visit my website at www. Anyway, I think you're starting to get the idea here. There are literally thousands of different niches and each one has it's own magazines, newsletters, websites, search engines, news groups, ezines, etc. These hidden niches are one of the key ingredients to becoming wealthy on the net.