Writing Effective Text Based ADS

Have you ever found yourself sitting there wasting away time trying to figure out the perfect way to word your text advertisements? Are your existing text ads not generating the results you hoped for? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this newsletter has been written just for you! I want to discuss some important concepts to keep in mind when writing ads. Hopefully by following these guidelines, you will be able to zero in on your audience and draw more qualified clicks.

1. Always write to your customer. Use words like ‘you' and ‘your.' Stay away from ‘we' and ‘our' as much as possible. Additionally, write as if you are talking with an individual customer instead of a group of people.

We have developed the greatest accounting software yet. With our software, accounting is a breeze for any business.

Our revolutionary accounting software will make your business' bookkeeping seamless and less time consuming.

The bad version talks too much about the company. The good version is basically the same thing, but addresses the user as an individual rather than a group.

2. List out the features and benefits to your customers. In some cases, you can just list benefits and that's good enough, but if you list features without any benefits, then you will probably lose highly targeted clicks and maybe even sales.

Our accounting software includes the ability to keep track of your bank account.

With our easy accounting software, you will never have to deal with messy bank statements again. This software will keep track of all your company's money so that you don't have to worry about a thing.

The bad version of this just lists out a feature. Nobody cares because they are not given a benefit to associate it with. The good version does this exactly and it also addresses a single person by making use of ‘you' and ‘your.'

Just think of it this way, if you list 3 features; you should have at least 3 benefits to back it up.

3. Give your price. If you are advertising one certain product, list your price in your ad. This helps to target visitors that are willing to pay.

First rate accounting software! Instant download!

First rate accounting software for only $89.99! Instant download after purchase

The bad version in this scenario doesn't list out a price, and that's not a good because everyone who is interested in accounting software will click on this ad. When doing a pay-per-click system, you want the most qualified visitors you can find without spending your entire advertising budget. By restructuring your text to include a price, you can filter out the people that aren't willing to pay $90 to download software.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you're writing an ad and maybe you will find something that works well for your business. Good luck!