Does Traffic Equalizer Still Work?

The popular program Traffic Equalizer, can it still give you website traffic?


Traffic Equalizer is several years old - which in Internet years is decades. Traffic Equalizer is a well-known system and almost everyone in the search engine marketing field has used it - or at least heard of it. Traffic Equalizer will take care of driving all the highly targeted traffic you need! Traffic Equalizer is a very popular content generator. You most probably have seen pages generated by Traffic Equalizer already but didn’t realize what they were.

Traffic Equalizer is a targeted traffic producer that claims to be guaranteed to work with any words you use. The newest rendition of Traffic Equalizer was released in March of 2006 and is supposed to be easy even for a newbie, effective, affordable, guaranteed to work 100% regardless of the keywords and bring tons of targeted traffic with almost no work. Traffic Equalizer is a program for developing what the owner claims are optimized pages for search engine ranking. Traffic Equalizer will make one search engine friendly page for any keyword you enter. As you may imagine, you will soon have thousands of highly targeted pages.

Traffic Equalizer and other similar programs work by taking a keyword that you input and then creates a web page around this keyword. The end result is a directory or portal of related keywords to other articles that are relevant to the keyword that you used. Traffic Equalizer supplies you with a very simple (and nasty-looking) template. I didn't believe it at first, but my experience today seems to confirm that if you use that simple template - your pages and possibly your whole website will be dropped from Google's index. Traffic Equalizer could still help you with all the searches done on the internet that are done by adding keywords

Traffic Equalizer is probably the biggest and most well-known software that allows users to automatically construct pages for this strategy. Using this program, you can literally construct hundreds of keyword optimized web pages at the click of your mouse.

In conclusion, I can testify that Traffic Equalizer does still produce results. In fact, I still use it, though you need to be slick in using it. You can't just lob up those old, boring pages like you used to be able to do, rather you need to revamp the entire page, minus the links and keyword pages it gives you...