Google about to Get a Makeover

“Whosoever desires constant success must change constantly” and it is becoming more and more evident that Google subscribes to this school of thought. The Online Marketing Blog is reporting an All New Google Design.  According to this blog post, Google is testing a redesign and new logo for its home page.



The initial screenshot made available shows that “Google Search” and “I’m Feeling Lucky” button are in blue rather than grey. But these changes appear to be miniscule when compared to the changes being done to the search results page.


The most evident change, as you can see, is that the results page has three columns instead of two. And somehow, the new layout and design looks a lot neater and functional that what we have now.

The left section (I like to call it the result refinement pane) helps you to refine your search results. You can perform refinements based on categories (news, blogs, video, shopping etc.) or based on time. However, the categories vary with the search query and are not a standard set. The refinement pane also has a “See also” section which prompts you off other relevant search queries. I believe it something on the lines of “People who searched for ‘playstation 3’ also searched for”.


Now, you also have this extra bit of functionality which allows you to tweak the results being displayed based on parameters like  page images, fewer shopping site, more shopping site, etc. Google, it seems, is eager to give its user more choice in terms of customization and personalization.

The middle section (search results’ section) is pretty much the same with a few changes here and there. The results are standardized across all categories except a few and local listing on Google map is now available in a larger format.

The right section (sponsored results’ section) has the same story as of the middle section. Well I did not except Google to be changing a lot here after the slew of changes it has already announced in recent past.

All in all, Google is changing for the better and I am sure everyone is going to love the new setup.