Web Search Trends for 2010 - What Does Google Say?

As the year 2009 draws to a close, its time to analyze what all has happened over the past year, what has worked and what has not, and what can be done in the next year. One of the most active industries of the web has been the Search Market.

Google has recently come up with its set of predictions for 2010 talking about where Search is headed and how things can get heated up in the next year. Google's Matt Cutts discussed some of his own predictions for search in a recent upload to Google's Webmaster Central YouTube channel. Here are some things he stressed upon:

New Types of Data

Information overload is fast becoming one of the key concerns of the web search industry. A regular web search generally returns a series of links which users have to further refine in order to find what they are really looking for. And the whole process becomes time-consuming. And that is why Google has always been looking to segregate new types of data. Be it Google Book Search, Google Patent Search and so on.

In the coming years, focus on optimizing your content for all these categories so that you can rank highly in the specific filters.

Semantic Search

Search is no more about simply matching queries with the keywords and delivering results accordingly. Many people think that Google simply crawls the web and returns pages that contain words that match with the search query. But that's not it. Google's search process has become more sophisticated. When a search query is entered, then it takes into account all the synonyms, morphology elements etc. to deliver content that is relevant to the search query.

Therefore, make sure you use lots of synonyms in your content. Also, relevancy should be a key concern in your website content strategy. Cutts cites the example of Google Squared that takes a category and creates a starter 'square' of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web.

Cloud Storage

As people move to the Internet gradually, they are increasingly getting comfortable with storing their data in the cloud. And in the coming times, more people will migrate their data from their hard drives to different cloud services. This will in turn make it easier and better for search and help Google deliver more relevant results.

Real Time Search

Real time will become a definitive force in the coming times. People like to be updated with the latest news and updates. They want the 'scoop' of everything. This is the reason why microblogging website like Twitter would be a great hit in the coming future. Make sure you have a strong presence on social media websites and be active there.

Mobile Web

People need information on the go. And an increasing population of users are accessing the web through their mobile devices. Thus, it is important for your business website to cater well to the mobile web users. Make sure you build a mobile version of your website that renders well on major mobile web browsers.