Facebook Fan Pages - How To Make It More Engaging?

One cannot undermine the increasing importance of Facebook Fan Pages in the present times. What started as a casual social networking tool has evolved and transformed itself to a powerful marketing platform for businesses. Facebook Fan Pages are not only source of tremendous web traffic but also a great medium to share information and expose your content.

However, in order to leverage the maximum potential of Fan Pages, businesses need to make them more engaging and encourage more and more visitors to participate in the same. And doing this requires thorough diligence and dedication. Here are some tips:

Participate Regularly

Participation is the key to longevity of any online community. Don't just create a Facebook Fan Page for your business and expect it to survive by itself. In fact, if you want your Fan Page to be popular (and be useful) you need to participate regularly. Be it posing messages, responding to others or encouraging and monitoring discussions... you need to make your presence felt. This will make the participants feel appreciated and at the same time you can keep an eye on what is being posted on your page.

Ask Questions

The best way to start a discussion is to ask a question! When you post links or share information on your Fan Page, ask your fans about they comments. Better still... ask them something objective. People are more likely to respond with a yes/no than answer subjective questions. Start by small engagements and as and when you have build a loyal fan base, you can expect them to share more. Also, don't forget to thank people for their replies.

Integrate your Other Online Presences

Make your Fan Page a one stop destination that integrates all your online presences. You can include your company blog, LinkedIn profile, YouTube channel, links to articles and other content that have been published online and so on. Remember, that everything you post on your Fan Page should be relevant to it. This will not only enhance your credibility but also increase the exposure of your content.

Organize Events

Another interesting way to increase user participation is to organize online events that will attract people to your page at a given time. The kind of event you set up depends on your business. Start by doing something as simple as hosting a Q&A session where audiences can ask questions about your company, products and services or your industry as a whole. You can even consider hiring an industry expert to take part in the session or you can take a current industry issue and hold a discussion session around it.

Include Variety of Content

Don't stick to the traditional text based content. Rather, try to make your Fan Page more interesting and visually vibrant by adding diverse forms of content like images, videos, polls and so on. This provides a welcome break from the content and is an excellent opportunity to showcase more stuff about your company and business. Not only that these kind of content serves to attract more user attention than plaintive text.