10 SEO Tweaks You Can Include In Your Website Design Process!

Online businesses are faced with the pressing need to fare well in Google SERPs, considering Google controls more that 90% of the search traffic in the U.S. alone. However, contrary tom popular belief, SEO is not a process that follows the website design & development phase. Rather, it should be an integral force right from the start of the web design project.

Here are some simple SEO tweaks that you can incorporate directly into your website design:

1. Include a Blog

Search engines love fresh content! And blogs the best and easiest way to feed them with fresh content on regular basis. In addition to the distinct SEO advantage, blogs also prove to be a platform to visitors to leave comments and voice their opinion. In addition, if users choose bookmark your blog posts or share them on social networks, your content gets tremendous exposure on the web.

2. Add Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free analytics software package that can provides critical data about the website and its performance in search engines. It has a variety of features like Goal Tracking, Event Tracking, bounce rates and Intelligence which informs you about specific keywords, search engines and traffic sources. This will help you evaluate the effectiveness of various avenues and optimization strategies after which you can formulate plans to improve the website in the future.

3. Clean your Code

Add all scripts and CSS files as external files. This not only reduces the code-to-content ratio but it takes lesser time for search engine spiders to find the actual content.

4. Include Rich Original Content

Google ranks the relevance of a website according to the quality of content it contains. The content should not only be relevant but also original by virtue. Content of a web page should not have been replicated anywhere else on the web lest it leads to the issue of duplicate content.

5. Use Meta Tags

Meta tags as they appear in the search results, inform users about the overview of what the website is all about. So make sure you write a snappy meta description that compels visitors to click on the result. Google also uses meta tags to differentiate web pages, so make sure you write unique meta descriptions for each page of your website. If you want to improve the click-through rates, include info about free offers, guarantees and a phone number as well.

6. Avoid Repetition in the Web Copy

Unique content is the most vital element for the SEO of a website. Even though you may be tempted to include details such as copyright text, contact details and company mission on all the pages of the website, it is not SEO healthy because you run the risk of being penalized for duplicate content. Therefore, avoid repeating any words and phrases in your web content.

7. Add Footer Links

Cross linking between the pages of a website with the target SEO keywords in the anchor text provides an essential boost to the SEO efforts. However, if you try to squeeze in keywords irrelevantly into your page layout, it looks pretty unprofessional. That is why you can use footer links to link between the various web pages, with the keywords you want to rank for within the anchor text of the links.