Designing Interactive User Interfaces - 7 Tips to Help You!

User interfaces are the platform for people to work on a website. A well laid out user interface helps users function seamlessly on your website and achieve their objectives. This in turn brings about a sense of satisfaction and hence, there are increased chances of a conversion!


1. Inform Users about the Proceedings
A good and interactive user interface should keep users informed about what is happening on the website. They should have a clue about what's happening behind the scenes so that they know their actions are getting them results. AJAX in web applications allow users to update parts of the web page, without having to refresh the entire page. When you provide visual feedback for user interactions, it serves to keep them engaged.
2. Include Keyboard Shortcuts
A great way to make user interfaces more interactive is by adding keyboard shortcuts or navigation. This not only helps the work-flow of users but helps them complete their tasks more easily and effortlessly. However, make sure that your shortcuts are intuitive and self-explanatory and doesn't serve to further confuse users.

3. Maintain Consistency
Web applications often provide users with various plans and subscription offers starting from basic to premium. And users generally try the basic version first to get an idea about all the features and functionalities before they consider upgrading to an advanced plan. It is important to ensure that there is a certain level of consistency in the user interfaces of all the plans, lest users find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings after they have upgraded.

4. Keep it Short & Sweet
While it is important that your interface should communicate with users,m effective communication is what works best. And if you decide to bombard them with massive amount of explanation and definitions, it would only waste their time. Instead, keep things clear and concise and explain your features with short and well-formatted messages.

5. Familiarity is the Key
The best way to promote intuitiveness in your user interface is by making things familiar. When users already have an idea about how things work, they will be able to work with them more easily. So research and identify features that must be familiar to your users and integrate them within your interface.

6. Make the Interface Attractive
A good user interface should look good at the first glance so that users actually feel like going ahead and using it. Its like going an extra mile to ensure that users have a truly satisfying experience of using that interface. If the user interface is pleasant, users will look forward to use it. So, fashion the look and feel of your user interface so that its very appealing to the audience.

7. Offer Solutions to Problems
You need to understand that users aren't perfect and can make mistakes while browsing through the website. Your user interface should be able to handle their mistakes and offer alternative solutions to them. The user interface should save users from costly mistakes and make it worthwhile for them to use the website.