5 Reasons Our Marketing Efforts Are Failing

For many small business owners, marketing just seems to come naturally. For others, it's a struggle to come up with a marketing plan that produces any positive results.

If your campaign isn't performing the way it should, consider whether you're making these common mistakes:


Not Focusing Your Message

Different customers have different shopping preferences, and the same marketing message isn't going to resonate with all of them.

If you haven't taken the time to identify your target market and tailor your message to those specific customers that should be your first step.

Appealing to this specific niche helps make your business stand out, and ensures that you only bring in people who are actually interested in what you have to sell.


Making It about You, Not Your Customers

If your marketing is full of copy about you, your business, and what you do, your customers are going to tune you out.

This sort of advertising makes customers feel that you don't care about them, or -- worse -- that you don't understand their problems and needs.

Instead, craft every marketing message so that it addresses a specific concern your customers have.

How does your product or service help them with their problem? That's the information they want to hear -- not how many products you carry.


You Don't Have a Unique Selling Proposition

Take a look at one of your competitors' websites, then at your own. Is it crystal clear how your company is different from theirs, and why a customer would want to choose you over them?

If your customers can't see any difference between you and a competitor, or any compelling reason to choose you, they're likely to make their buying decision based solely on price.

Think about why your company is different from all the others like it. Do you offer better service, a better product guarantee, or a unique feature that no one else has? That difference should be clear on your website and in your marketing materials.


Sticking With a Form of Marketing That Isn't Working

If you've been using a certain marketing format that used to work for you, but it isn't pulling in customers anymore, it's time to set it aside. It's easy to fall into a rut, sticking with methods that are familiar and comfortable. But as your company grows and changes, those methods might not have the same results.

Look at other options, such as online marketing and social media instead of traditional channels like television and radio. Learn what works for your business...but be prepared to change your strategy as your company and the market change.


Not Having a Plan

Starting an ad campaign with no clear plan or strategy can end up being a major waste of time and money. Set clear goals for the campaign before you start, including its target audience.

You also can't wait until business is slow to post an ad or send out a marketing message. Your strategy should be ongoing, without starts and stops that can make customers forget about you in the meantime.

Marketing is the most important part of running your small business.

By stepping back and taking a hard look at what's working and what isn't, you can come up with a much more effective strategy that will help grow your business for years to come.