How To Get Positive Word Of Mouth Generated For Your Home Business

If you've ever run a home-based business, you know just how hard it can be to generate interest. Regardless of how good your product or service is, it can seem almost impossible to generate sufficient customer demand.

You've probably heard that for small businesses, word of mouth is the best advertising of all - but how do you get it? This article will cover some basic steps you can take to increase your word of mouth advertising reach.

1. Ask

Studies have shown time and again that consumers will usually only do something when they're explicitly asked to do it. This doesn't mean, of course, to continually hound your friend, family, and existing customers for their contact lists. A simple, courteous mention - something along the lines of, "Thank you so much for your business. Please feel free to refer my name to anyone else you know who might need what I'm offering," is usually sufficient.

2. Offer An Incentive

Don't underestimate the power of a consumer's raw goodwill and enthusiasm in promoting your business; however, when it comes to truly far-reaching word of mouth advertising, a little incentive doesn't hurt. Referral programs, bring-a-friend events, family day discounts, and other such incentives are familiar to brick-and-mortar businesses, and can all be used equally effectively for your home based business. If you're already using social media, inviting existing customers to "like" your page in exchange for a chance to win a prize or service is a tried-and-true method.

3. Reliability is Key

In a study done recently by BrightLocal, customers were asked what factors made them most likely to refer a business to friends and family members. While friendliness and price both ranked high in the results, surprisingly they were not the top factor. Believe it or not, the highest ranking factor wasn't even how well the job was actually done! By far the most influential factor for consumers in providing a recommendation was the reliability and professionalism of the service they received. Being especially reliable and professional is a good business practice in any case - but it could help widen your marketing reach, too.

4. Local Reviews

Internet reviews are now integral to word of mouth advertising in the 21st century. A few decent open tell local reviews can make a drastic difference in your bottom line. For this reason, it's important to carefully curate your online presence on sites like Yelp. Respond appropriately to critical reviews to diffuse the situation - never take a combative or argumentative stance. Encourage positive reviews, and thank patrons for their service.

Follow the tips outlined in this article, and you'll see a dramatic increase in your home based business' bottom line.