Optimize Your Logo to Rank Higher in Search Results

The Census Bureau estimates consumers spent $64.8 billion online in just the second quarter of 2013, a 4.9 percent increase over the previous quarter. More than 60 percent of these sales start with an online search. In order to capture some of the growing online revenue, you must tailor Web pages to rank higher in search results. Using advanced search engine optimization tactics ignored by the big e-tailers can propel your pages up the rankings.

Optimize Your Image

Bigger retailers like Amazon, whose sales grew 27.1 percent in 2012, are already heavily entrenched in Google's search results. The site already has thousands of likes and inbound links. So, you probably won't land a knock-out punch using link building or social media. However, you can deliver a smaller body blow by using logo optimization in your site's header.

Logo optimization, a smaller-scale but highly effective on-page SEO tactic, will make your business appear more relevant in your niche. Logo optimization involves adding keyword terms to your image alternate text and renaming the logo file. This makes search engines think your site is totally focused on your particular keyword term.

How to Perform Logo Optimization

Performing logo optimization begins by selecting your best keyword terms. Focus on two or three phrases most suited to your business. Let's say you sell shoes, but not just any shoes: handmade, leather shoes from France. Your main keyword term would then be "handmade leather shoes," and add "in France," or "French" for additional relevancy.

Place these keyword terms right in the image alt text which comes right after the image source tag (img-src) in your header's HTML code.

The shoe store as an example looks like this: alt="handmade leather shoes">

Large e-tailers have thousands of pages on their site, and that's an advantage, but they can't optimize the whole site with an alt tag like this.

Optimize the Logo Image File

Your logo file is the perfect vehicle for additional SEO because it sits right at the top of your site on every page.

Now, you may have designed your own logo using free logo design software, and why not, it's free and looks great. If you didn't, don't worry, you can still optimize it. If you do not have a site logo yet, get one. It will customize your site and make your business look more professional. If you need to, create your own free logo quickly using Logo Garden logo designs and design tools.

Once you have the logo file created, all you need to do is optimize the logo image file by renaming it with your keywords. Renaming your logo file with relevant keyword terms tells the search engine your site is about those keywords, not about logos.

Using the shoe store example, change the name from logo.jpg, to handmade_leather_shoes.jpg.

Your header's HTML code would then read alt="handmade leather shoes">.

Now, the search engine really sees your business is into handmade leather shoes and not, shoes and logos.

Then all you need to do is change the img-src code in your header to point to your new logo file. Now, your site has your keywords in an important image file right on every page, so each one seems more relevant to those terms.