Marketing the Power of Electricity

While some consumers may think that a large number of businesses (especially the larger ones) are simply in business to make money that is not the case in many instances.

Even though that may be the norm in some industries, there are many other large companies that do their best to provide valuable and needed products and services to consumers nationwide.

For many utility providers across the country, finding ways to offer up the best services and products is a daily challenge, yet one they take seriously. Stop for a moment and think about where consumers would be without electricity. As you might imagine, being in the dark would be one of many problems.

One way that utilities and other companies work hard to get the word out about their products and services is through marketing.

Whether talking about how consumers can save money on their electric bills, the latest trends in the industry or how to get by in a major weather event, utility providers use marketing (press releases, blog posts, social media, newsletters etc.) to spread the word.


What Does Deregulation Mean to Consumers?

One term that some consumers may be trying to come to terms with is that of deregulation.

Simply put, deregulation explained means telling Texas consumers and others in many states that they have more than one choice for their electricity needs.

Depending on which state you reside in, you may have opportunities to have a say in which service provider handles your needs.

Whether that is the case or not, utility providers are likely coming to you via good marketing programs to make their pitch.

Ways that they do this include:

  • Traditional marketing – This involves items such as direct mailing, pamphlets and more. The goal here is to make sure consumers are up to speed on what is happening with their monthly electric service, tips on how they can lower their bills, and initiatives under way or planned to improve the product and service. Oftentimes, consumers will find a one or two-page pamphlet inserted with their bill (if they are receiving the bill via traditional U.S. mail for example);
  • Blog postings – More and more providers have turned to in-house blogs to spread their messages. These postings can be great informational tools, offering consumers information on why their rates are what they are, how to safely use electricity during bad weather, and why they should check their major appliances (refrigerators, furnaces etc.) on a regular basis to make sure they are operating at full efficiency. When they are not, that leads to higher consumer prices;
  • Social media – Last but not least, social media has become a great tool for many utility providers to get their message out. Whether it is via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social networking sites, companies can interact with consumers pretty much whenever they want. These sites are good for sharing and tweeting articles, surveys, studies etc. tied to the utility industry. Face it, the more knowledgeable the consumer base, the better for everyone involved.


When utility providers turn to the right marketing plan, they can definitely click with their customers and others.