Tips on Scoring High Rankings in Google Search Results

There are countless ways to induce a considerable increase in website traffic. Listed below are simple tips & tricks that help in scoring high rankings.

There are numerous ways through which companies can enhance traffic on Google search results. From creating in-depth articles, rich snippets, to Google authorship, there is an array of smart practices that aim at getting the top position. While optimizing the website is the primary factor, there are hoards of other means of boosting rankings, some of which are as follows:

1. Video optimization

Studies indicate that a viewer's eyes first land on video snippets. Videos are often easier to display and require creating a video XML sitemap. People residing in UAE may contact a reputed Website Designing Company in Dubai for expert advice and guidance on how to implement video optimization.

2. Right Author Photo in Google Search results

A mere Google authorship doesn't guarantee more clicks, but it is an appropriate photo of the author that helps in generating traffic. The right photo implies using a real face instead of a company logo or cartoon, and high contrast colors that will help in separating the background and foreground.

3. Speed of the site

Google has confirmed various times that site speed is one of the major factors that affect search rankings. A good speed also ensures visitor satisfaction. Apart from the page load speed, it is also important to consider how long the server takes to respond to a request. Google also places special emphasis on the page speed on mobile devices.

4. Sharing content on Google +

Sharing content on Google + ensures that a person's network connections can view the content every time they conduct a Google search. This is different from sharing on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter where people can view the snippets only when they log on to their accounts.

5. Good smartphone experience

It is of paramount importance that a website performs properly on smartphones too. Smartphone errors such as video file that doesn't play on a particular mobile phone, pop-ups that don't close easily, buttons or fonts that are too small to view on the device, and many more, may result in lower rankings. Web Solution Centre is a perfect example of a reliable Website Designing Company in Dubai which assists its clients in gaining increased traffic.

6. Fresh content

It is imperative that websites upload fresh content regularly. Stale content often loses ground in search results. While adding new content does not guarantee a boost in rankings, but it does help in certain types of queries. Google also scores content in various ways such as frequency of fresh content, new pages created over a period of time, inception date, and more.

Apart from the factors mentioned above there are several other guidelines that help in boosting rankings. A premier Website Designing Company Dubai may help companies based in the Middle East to receive traffic gains in Google Search results.