Be More Social About Your Marketing Initiatives

Whether your marketing tasks are for a major well-known company or the little mom and pop shop in Anytown, USA, there are several ways you can best position yourself and the company you own or work for to achieve ultimate marketing superiority.

In a day and age when competition is fierce among many different industries, standing out among your competitors can be the difference between just getting by, falling below your stated objectives, or surpassing the goals you set each year.

With that in mind, where do you rank social media in your marketing initiatives?

If you have trouble answering that question, that can be part of the problem right there.

Your Marketing Plan Needs a Strategy

When you take a look at your marketing strategy for 2015 and beyond, make sure it comprises some of the following:

  1. Social Media – This is a huge area that should never be taken for granted. Whether you have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ or the dozens and dozens of other social sites, you need to be present regularly and bring value to the consumer. Whether the product is Direct TV Internet or the latest in games for kids at major retailers like Target and Walmart, make sure you are being social with both present and potential customers;

  2. Mobile Marketing – This area of marketing has and will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. As more and more consumers use their mobile devices to get up to date information on products and services, you need to be active here, taking advantage of the different solutions and platforms available to you. With that said, do not be overactive to the point of where you come across as pushy. Just as consumers can throw away paper fliers and emails that offer your brand, they can easily delete you on their mobile devices too. Use mobile marketing wisely in order to best capitalize on it;

  3. Rewarding customers – Last but not least, you need to make an effort to reward not only your current customers, but market enticing offers to potential new customers. Face it; countless consumers love the idea of getting free this and free that. When all is said and done, it will oftentimes lead them to come back to your company to buy more. Use your marketing efforts to alert consumers to special offers, rewards programs and more. Again, do not flood them to the point where you turn them off. Use a balance marketing effort in order to keep them interested and yet not turned off.

Marketing is not rocket science, yet too many companies ultimately find some way to mess it up.

If you take advantage of all social media has to offer, utilize the opportunities available via mobile marketing and treat your customers like you would want to be treated, your marketing efforts and their possibilities are endless.