Marketing Healthy Employees Just Makes Sense

Business owners come and go over time, but the smart and generally successful ones are those who do a good job of marketing their companies.

Now you might think that marketing only involves getting more customers on board, but there is so much more to it than just that.

Marketing one’s company to prospective employees goes a long way in deciding how successful a business will be.

If you hire the right people, your business can grow to new heights and more than likely see its revenue stream increase. On the other hand, some bad hires can lead to decreased customer service, lower office morale and ultimately missed revenue.


Promote Your Company’s Fit Approach

In order to increase the odds of getting the best and brightest, don’t overlook the importance of having healthy and fit employees on your payroll.

More companies are looking at the best corporate wellness plans on the market in order to give workers better odds of staying healthy and fit.

All too often, employees come down with illnesses and injuries, meaning lost time in the office. Not only can that impact office morale as others oftentimes have to pick up the slack, but it can lead to a lesser degree of customer service. When the latter happens, you could see lost revenue.

In order to best market your company and the healthy advantages to working for it, keep in mind the following:

  1. Offer gym memberships – Don’t be surprised if a sizable number of employees you interview and ultimately hire like the idea of a free gym membership by working for you. Not only does this save them money, but it gives them the opportunity to have a workout buddy from the office. Make the memberships available after an employee has satisfied their probationary period;
  2. Offer healthy eats – Many offices offer employees snacks that they can either have free of charge or get out of a vending machine. Market the fact that your business offer healthy treats such as fruits and vegetables. You can also offer employees coupons to area eateries that serve nutritious meals and appetizers;
  3. Offer fun company outings – Another marketing tool that is likely to entice some to want to come work for you is fun company outings. It can be a night of bowling, putting a team together for league softball, or even participating in a local race/walk, with the added benefit of raising money for a local charity or charities. Not only is this great for keeping your employees physically active, but it also builds team unity.


Marketing your company to prospective employees encompasses a wide range of things, among which include good salaries, solid health insurance benefits, a stress-free working environment and opportunities for growth.

When you market the fact that your company encourages physically fit and healthy employees, you add one more reason many individuals will want to come and work for you.