Are You Sold on the Best Leads?

There's a ton of legwork involved with making a sale and it all starts with finding the right leads.

Whether your business offers products or services, locking down leads is the best way to achieve sales success.

With business betterment in mind, here are just a few ways you can find promising sales leads:

Branding and Marketing

Before your business can track down leads, you must first have something to sell and know how to sell it. In other words, it's crucial to have your business's branding and marketing figured out well in advance.

This is easier said than done.

Your brand is your calling card, so it can't be convoluted or jumbled.

Likewise, whether you sell t-shirts or you offer accounting services, you have to market to the right crowd.

The biggest lead generator in marketing is including a call to action in multiple locations within your marketing material.

Without a straightforward call to action, potential leads won't know how to do business with you let alone where to start.


Referrals make the sales world go around, which is why your business should make happy customers and clients a top priority. There's nothing better than a satisfied customer singing your business's praises to their friends and family.

Making sure everyone you do business with has a smile on their face will result in referrals, which almost always results in leads.

With that said, it never hurts to ask. So, if your leads are slow but your customers are happy, simply ask them to mention your business to their friends and family.

Sales Associates

Your business is only as good as your staff, so make sure you have a stellar sales team.

As the following article looks at, in order to get sales leads, you need to provide quality service alongside your products. This means making sure your entire staff is customer-centric.

When your business employs friendly, helpful salespeople, it improves the customer experience and naturally increases sales leads.

To make sure your sales team is at the top of their game, provide them with plenty of sales advice. In addition, commissions are a great way to encourage your sales team to go the extra mile.



Everybody likes an incentive, especially your current customers.

As mentioned before, referrals are a great way to generate leads by letting your customers spread the word. However, getting them to spread the word is where incentives come into play.

If simply asking your customers to tell their friends and family about your business doesn't work, offer them an incentive. This could be discounts or gift cards to your store for each new customer that comes your way as a result of a customer referral.

Social Media

Going the social media marketing route will open up endless lead possibilities for your business. If you haven't done so already, it's time to join sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

By creating a social presence for your business, you will create brand visibility, which will definitely result in leads.

When it comes to leading the pack with sales leads, keep in mind the pointers above.