How Do You Add Feeling To Your Products?

As humans, we tend to feel things, all the time. Joy, happiness, sadness, intrigue, disgust…. the list goes on. When it comes to purchasing products many consumers base their decisions on what to buy off of how they feel. Recently, Father’s Day was a time everybody felt the need to dedicate some lovely gifts to the man who brought them to this world. And businesses used the same concept to generate more sales and earn the goodwill of their employees and customer base. This is why it is so important to make sure that any products you are selling invoke the right feeling in your customers. But how exactly do you add feeling to your products?

The Principle of Reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity means that whenever someone gives you something you feel compelled to give him or her something back in return. For example, have you ever gone to the store and tried out the free samples offered then ended up buying a package of coffee because you felt an obligation to do so, since you tried the free sample? That is the principle of reciprocity in action. So, how do you apply the principle of reciprocity to your business? The answer is simple. You can use it by offering a free gift or coupon codes with any purchase. Although you may not be offering something for free in advance you are offering an additional item at no additional cost. Even if you don’t advertise it by slipping in samples of your other products you will have your customers feeling like they just received a gift making them want to come back and make a second purchase.

Describe Your Products and Your Business

If you want your customers to relate to your products then you have to let them know all about them. Content is a great way for businesses to give their potential and current customers insight into not only your products but a look at your business as well. Businesses can also help their customers connect to their products by getting their feedback on various products as well as giving them tips on how to use their products and/or services.

Get Social

We all know the power of the “like” but not enough businesses are using it for their products. The idea behind liking is that people are more prone to say yes to something if they feel like other people would say yes to as well. By seeing that others have liked a product or service potential, customers are much more likely to purchase it, since their feelings are reinforced by others who have liked it. Businesses have largely opened up sales through social media platforms and it is indeed surprising that be it a food and beverages brand or home décor and furniture stores, you get to buy from them by just visiting their social media pages. The example of Canadian brand Bouclair Home shows how omni-channel sales helped them doubled up their revenues quickly.

Get Serious:

Whether you are a hardcore business selling products or a forex broker trying to attract many traders to hire you, adding that extra zing is always easy. For example, Alvexo is a well to do forex broker site that has got superb reviews from Daily Forex and similar forex broker reviews site. However, to add more credibility and a touch of seriousness, Alvexo also started its own forex training academy which will not only train registered users but also groom brokers for advanced levels of share market and forex trading. This serious commitment further adds the very necessary element of trust in your audience’s minds.

In conclusion, it would be wise to say that Father’s Day brings in a season of love and gratitude at all levels of the society. Make sure you give your customers to feel the love not just this month, but all round the year by using these different methods. The more you can add feeling to your products, the better your profit charts will climb. Also, this way your products appear better to your customers than your competitors’ products, thereby improving your customer loyalty as well as your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to turn a consumer into a client just because your products seem to fail in invoking a positive feeling.