Auto Insurers' Driven to Better Marketing Methods

Over the past few years, marketing for auto insurance companies has taken on a new direction.

For years, some of the problems with insurance companies and their marketing strategies included finding that emotional connection with potential clients.

However, social media seems to be a cure for that.

People tend to think of insurance agents as stuffy guys in dark suits, but with media and social media, that image is changing.

Now we see familiar friendly characters who we know by name and animated creatures that show interest in the lives of their clients.

It also brings a little humor to a serious subject. And social media brings another facet to auto insurance marketing as well.

Be More Social in Promoting Your Brand

Among the ways to use social media for promoting auto insurance products and services are:

* Blogs - Blogs are a way to share information in a friendly tone. A blog is a more personal connection than a newsletter or info on a website. As the following article looks at, a blog written on a topic like “study shows safe drivers with bad credit still get stiffed on car insurance” can be just as informative as the study itself, but the blog format can make it more personal, more interactive and more human. Readers can leave comments on blogs and connect with one another and the auto insurance provider.

* Social media sites - Sites like Twitter and Facebook are excellent tools for marketing. These are great places for client engagement, as well as potential client engagement. Whether a client is commenting on great service or a potential client is asking for general information, social media is an easy platform to engage on and it brings a humanizing touch to an industry that can tend to be lacking.

* Addressing issues early - The beauty of social media is that issues can be addressed before they turn into problems. If there is a problem or negative experience posted, someone from the agency can address it and that shows the human side.

* Capture interest - Social media is a way to keep your clients interested. For instance, send out a "Be careful" tweet during snowy weather and include a link to a piece on driving in snowy conditions. The same can be done during wet weather conditions or similar situations. Whatever is relevant and current is great material to capitalize on.

Create a Human and Emotional Presence

The key to success with social media is creating a human, emotional presence.

That doesn't mean overly emotional, but somewhere your clients and customers, both current and potential, can connect and engage.

Social media is an excellent piece of the marketing puzzle for this, and it includes blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

Social media is all-important in most any industry, and the auto insurance industry is definitely included here.