Are You Marketing the Benefits of Improved Technology?

Whether it is a product or service your company came up with or just one that your company is using to make life better for customers, are you shouting to the world about it?

In many cases, the answer to that question is yes. In other cases, however, the answer is unfortunately no.

So, why should your company be telling many others about how technology is helping you not only do more for customers, but also grow your business at the same time?

The answer is simply that having a better product or service for customers just makes good business sense.

With that, are you marketing the benefits of improved technology?


Technology Can Be the Deciding Factor

In order for your customers (and your business for that matter) to get the true benefit of all technology has to offer, keep these ideas in mind:

  • Better service – First and foremost, using technology to better your company’s brand is nothing short of a no-brainier. By deploying as much technology as possible, you typically speed up life for both you and your customers. In return, customers tend to be happier when they are able to get what they want without having to deal with long waits (see more below);

  • Less waiting time – One of the industries where long waits can be an issue is in the medical practice. Typically, you will have a sizable amount of patients coming in at all times of the day. When a backlog is created, you can get irritable patients, not to mention unhappy staff members. Look at the different products and services in today’s market that are doing their best to make customer visits more productive without meaning major time lost. Whether it is RevenueXL or another such brand, the possibilities are all but endless. When you can lessen the waiting time for patients, yet give them more quality time with a medical specialist, it is a win-win for both sides. As a result, companies winning with technology need to make sure they are marketing that message to the public. As the public gets to hear more of these positive messages, they are more apt to want to benefit from such efforts;

  • Long-term financial savings – Having the right technology in place for businesses that must bill customers is also a necessity. Yes, while there are still some companies out there that refuse to get on the technology train, the majority of companies know better. They know that embracing technology has many more positives than any negatives, so they are not afraid to hitch a ride on the train. When you can improve the speed and precision with which you get your invoices out on time, customers will actually appreciate it (yes, they’d rather pay on time than be dealing with all kinds of invoice headaches). This is another facet of your business that you shouldn’t be afraid to market to the public. Also keep in mind that using the right software can assist you in analyzing where your business is doing well financially and where it needs some work;

  • Marketing via social media – Lastly, if you are not already, make sure you use social media to highlight your technology usages. Whether you make note of it on your accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, even utilizing videos on YouTube), be sure part of your marketing efforts include social media initiatives. By turning to social media, you can not only alert consumers about how you are putting technology and different software programs to use, but also engage with them directly. Through your social media channels, you can speak to not only current customers, but also those who may be thinking of doing business with you. As a result, you are increasing the odds of improving your revenue stream.


While you may not be all onboard the technology train, it definitely pays to at least have a seat.

As more and more customers use technology in their own lives, they more times than not will appreciate seeing those they must rely on for products and services using it too.

When you market how involved you are in using technology and the various software programs out there, you increase the odds of gaining more business.

Quite frankly, what business owner wouldn’t want to see more dollar signs coming their way?