Easy Steps To Plan Your Keywords On Your Own

An easy way to find some of those is by using Google "suggestions" and Google "related searches"

Running a business from any kind in today’s world is nearly impossible without having an online presence, especially if you want to expand and widen your borders. Sometimes there are steps you can make yourself. Determining the keywords that lead to your website is one of those things. You can start on your own and decide whether or not you need some help in the process of research. Here are some key points you need to know before you begin:

Put yourself in your client’s shoes

Whether your goal is to sell your products or services, attract visitors to your blog or something else, engaging your audience in the first place is what you are going for. Think about the specifics of your customers and how your service answers to their needs. Then try your best to put yourself in their place and type in anything that comes in mind when searching for what you offer. For example, if you are selling shoes, the word ‘summer shoes’ will give you a billion of search results, whereas typing ‘summer casual pumps’ will limit it to a specific model. Try different guesses with different variations, like typing in your location too. Many clients are looking for local businesses or perks like ‘worldwide shipping’, ‘free shipping’ and so on. Find the words that define what you offer and try to avoid the obvious ones, that may lead your customer to your competition.

Talk directly to each one of your customers

No, we do not mean that you should pick up the phone and call all your website visitors. What you should do is build your website content as it speaks personally to each one of your clients. While on the search for the right keywords, make sure you are including also long tail keywords in your planner. Those are the phrases that your customers will look for and the ones that should be associated with your website. The easiest way to find some of those is by using Google ‘suggestions’ and Google ‘related searches’. As a search engine, Google knows exactly what the nearest suggestions to your original search are. You can also check other search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, Quora and many others.

Try using some keyword research tools

There are numerous search tools over the internet, that you can use, and many of them are completely free. You can easily find them and try as many as you like until you find the one that works best for you. Here are some of the tools that you can consider trying:

  • Google Trends

  • YouTube Keyword Tool

  • WordStream Free Keyword Tool

Don’t be afraid to make your own research. Doing it will even prepare you if you are considering to meet with a professional later.

Use your analytics wisely

The analytics of your website are something you should not neglect. The results you find in them can tell you what works and what not, and also: what you should opt for in the future. If you are using Google Analytics (which you most probably are) and the results look overwhelming or too complicated in the beginning, you can always take it to YouTube and watch a video or two of how to take the best out of this tool. Remember: even when using the help of a professional, it is always good to have some knowledge about how the things work.