Mistakes to Avoid in Digital Marketing

1. Having your presence everywhere at the same time:

 We have seen many people trying to have their presence across all the social media networks out there. We all like the idea of “being everywhere” but it doesn’t work in some cases. When it comes to social media, being everywhere is a bad advice especially when you’re at the beginning. Check the time you put into Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+, etc. If you combine all these time and put it on Facebook and Twitter alone, your result will be fruitful. Instead of putting something across all the social media networks on the internet, you should pick few and put all your efforts on them. As a starter, begin with Twitter and Facebook, stay consistent and build a substantial audience on these two networks, maybe when you’ve gotten enough audience there, you can now try some other ones to avoid normal mistakes.

2. Posting the Same Thing Over and Over Again:

Earlier it was ok to post the same contents again and again in social media marketing to get the maximum reach. The reason being that social media used to operate using chronological feeds, the newest post appears at the top. But now things have changed. Nowadays this act is likely going to lose you traffic and followers. All of that has changed today. When it comes to what appears at the top of your feed, relevance is now the primary deciding factor. For example, if you have liked a page and interacted with it before, new posts from that page will appear at the top of your feed. But if you post the same thing multiple times your followers are less likely not going to receive your updates. It is advisable to post different stories per day and also make sure whatever you share is of great value. So that others will keep interest on your posts and keep on following you for new interesting posts.

3. Being Irritating to your followers:

The main reason why most people come to sites like Facebook and Twitter is to engage and learn about new ideas and to know about what’s happening around them. While they might be interested to hear about new products and services, they’re not receptive to getting all those uninterested messages persuading them to spend money. They will put these kind of posts to their list of spams and they will report you to the sites administrators and your account will be blocked forever. Instead of this we should start creating engaging contents that will always wow our readers/followers. Just focus on building the relationship first with interesting posts and the money will naturally come later.

4. Creating multiple Accounts on One Site:

Many marketers create multiple accounts on sites like Twitter and Facebook and pointing all of them to one website. First of all, this act is not legally right and might put you in trouble if adequate precaution is not taken. Maintaining these numerous accounts will also be very time consuming. But the truth is that it’s better to put all the efforts into maintaining one active account, this will earn you more respect and followers in the long run.

5. Not Listening to Your Audience

Social media is supposed to involve multiple people interacting with each other so we should start paying attention and listen to our audience. Even if what the person said is irrelevant, it’s your duty to find a way and respond to him.  If someone leaves you a message, comments or likes your status, send him a thank you message to show you appreciate him over time, this will earn you more respect and credibility.

We should avoid some common mistakes on social media and make our efforts more marketable. We should respond to our audiences. Marketers need to have a very cautious approach while performing Digital marketing activities.