How I Improved My On Page SEO in One Day

On page SEO is a process to achieve better rankings and to run effective Internet marketing campaigns. It deals with both technical SEO (titles, tags, URL’s etc) and also the impressive contents in your web pages. The various SEO techniques that I used to improve my on-site SEO are:

1.  Attractive Title:

Always try to make your blog title short and interesting (up to 65 characters), so that the interest level develops in the viewer to click and check out its content.

2. Optimised URL Structure:

Try and avoid features like symbols, brackets, special characters or comma etc in your URL, because they look unprofessional. Instead, use alphabets and numeric in the URL structure, and by doing this you would gradually rank high on the SEO and the reputation of your website would gain popularity.

3. Heading Tags:

A negative SEO practice is to use the headline tag repetitively in a content, so make it a practice to use a headline just once which should be followed by sub headings so that your content seem interesting and succeed to generates more traffic to your website.

4. Add modifiers to your title tags.

Certain modifiers like “Tips”, “2017”,”Important “, “guide” etc. help your web page to rank high, when people search for these target keywords.

5.  Appropriate Keyword Density:

The density of the required keyword should not be more than 1.5% of the total content, which should be marked in bold, underlined or in italics in order to highlight it  in your post.

6. Minimum number of Words:

Some of the best SEO Company in India helps you to guide you across the minimum number of words that should be used in a blog post. There is no restriction in general for the word limit in SEO, but if your blog post contains more than 700 words, then the interest level of the readers decreases.

7.  Take help of Guest Post:

Guest post acts a mediator between the existing authorities with set customer base and your website, which helps your brand to get responsive visibility. They also generate direct traffic to help you know if your content is informative and valuable. With a lot of hard work in the beginning, your website starts to gain popularity and a free flow of visitors would start viewing your website, in the long term.

8. Avoid unnatural content:

Try to create a natural content for your post, which will not only prove beneficial for you but beneficial for the readers as well. Never over-stuff your web page with lots of keyword, because they make your informative data look untidy and unprofessional. Doing this your ranking would fall drastically, so, switch over to natural and informative contents to retain you readers for a long term.

So, just follow the above guidelines carefully, and your website will bound to boost in the On Page SEO in just one day.


There are many affordable SEO packages in India, which helps you to rank high on the On Page SEO, and generate adequate traffic to your website.