New Horizons for iPhone Apps in 2015

What's next for iPhone apps in 2015

Although the iPhone enjoys just a mere 12% share of the world smart phone market, but when it comes to revenues, it generates more than the Android which has a whopping 85% share of the smart phone market. The reasons are pretty basic as the Android is more open source and apps are generally free for download with just a few exceptions.

It is the revenues and profits which drive any business and the Apple’s App Store is no different. App developers for iPhone apps also get their share of the bounty as Apple keeps just 30% of the sales and the rest of the 70% is passed on to app developers and app owners. Since app developers are rewarded well, they are also under constant pressure at the same time to find out and discover new avenues and design concepts to develop and offer something new to iPhone app users.

Each year brings with it new concepts in iPhone apps, further expanding the boundaries of innovation. Let us see what 2015 has to offer for iPhone apps and app users.

1. The arrival of Apple watch

The Apple watch is sure show stopper which promises a lot for the future for iPhone apps. It is a wearable device and app developers will be now developing apps which are capable of functioning well on the iPhone as well as on the apple watch. Since the Apple watch is a relatively new product, it will take some time for developers to get well acquainted with its features and functionality to develop app to match its small screen size which is roughly 35 to 40mm. App developers will also be exploring the possibilities of converting old iPhone apps to work on the Apple watch as well.

2.  Security related

The year 2015 promises to focus more on the security and privacy related issues with iPhone apps. Many organizations use iPhone for the benefits they offer like BYOD concepts. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a concept which allows employees to bring in their own personal devices to their workplace and use it. The main area of concern for these organizations is the protection of their sensitive information.  With the ever increasing number of apps on the App store developers need to focus more on the security of their new as well as existing apps.

3. Improved performance

New technology and design enhancements in iPhone devices brings in more features and improved functionality and developers have to keep up their pace to meet with the enhancements and create apps which are able to use these improved features. Apps which are able to perform optimally well on new devices tend to do better than other apps.

4.  IBeacon technology

This is a new innovative technology which provides location based services to iOS devices. The technology is used with the help of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). App developers with the help of this technology can keep their eyes on their clients.

In conclusion, 2015 has just started and promises to open many new avenues and horizon for iPhone apps, but it is the responsibility of iPhone app developers to maintain their focus on all aspects on their new apps which include appearance, performance and enhanced functionality.