Internet Marketing Article #1: Define YOUR Internet Success

Before attempting to succeed with your business website, you should think about some major factors that are required in order to achieve success on the Internet. If you are not yet an experienced online businessman, please read the next articles carefully, since they can help you make money.

The first thing you should do is define what "success" means to you. Operating online does take your money, time and efforts. Before checking who should build that web site or where you want to market it, ask yourself: "How do I define ‘success' for my online operations?". Now, answer that question and be specific! "Making money online" is not a good answer since it is too general. "Making a net profit of $50,000 during the next two months", "achieving a conversion rate of 10% during Christmas" or "signing up 100 new newsletter members this week" are better answers.

In addition, I suggest that you define a red line for stopping your online business. People usually have a tendency to continue more of the same rather than to make a significant change. So, please be specific when defining your red lines. For example, "I will stop pursuing this specific online business if it does not succeed" is not sufficient, but rather something like "I will stop pursuing this specific online business if I make less than $100,000 during the second year" is better.


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Once you have your red lines set and you know exactly what your criterion for success is, you can start running with the management of your online business. If you don't have these clear boundaries set, it may hurt and confuse you later on - at times, without you even being aware of the reason for your pain and confusion. If you do have them clearly set, you will be able to make better decisions and to better communicate with partners, clients and suppliers. You will also feel much happier in your clear path.

Read the next essential article in this series of articles:
(1) Define YOUR Internet Success.
(2) Target Action of a Website.
(3) Market Research and Analysis.
(4) Build a Website.
(5) Website Quality Control.
(6) Managing Your Online Advertisement Channels.
(7) Online Customer Service.
(8) Stay Updated & Innovate Online.