Search Engine Week

This week was in the search engine optimization was under the Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo Event in New York.

One of the sessions -the SES New York session Web Feeds, Blogs & Search was moderated by Chris Sherman, Associate Editor at Search Engine Watch, with Dr. Amanda Watlington of leading things off.

Amanda started with giving general stats, mostly from January's Pew report. The statistics showed that although there are millions of bloggers, the majority of Internet users are still not sure what a blog is.
Danny Sullivan, editor of and host of the 6th annual Search Engine Strategies conference in Manhattan this week, says the interest in the Conference event showed a significant growth compared to the last year subscription results. This year was assigned 1,300 participants compared to 1,100 last year. It's also up from 325 people who attended the conference back in November 1999.

"My numbers are human beings," Sullivan commented. "It keeps getting bigger and bigger."

At the first day of the Search Engine Strategies Conference, Jerry Yang of Yahoo talked about the future of search. He also explained how the company is using search to link its various properties and aimed in creating a cohesive Web-browsing experience for its users.
It was a great week for Yahoo celebrating 10 years on the Internet.

The search giant prepared a special site for the event and gave away free ice-cream for all fans on the birthday. The special page included the milestones in the Yahoo's development through the time from the beginning as a hobby ten years ago to a multibillion company today.

Yahoo also announced that its search network is embracing Web services and that its commercial subsidiary Overture is taking a new name. 

Google this week updated its local search tool to include Google Maps. In addition, it now provides editorial reviews for local businesses.

Meanwhile America Online is promoting new search tools. The new local search additions will help bying movie tickets online or reserving a table at a restaurant, for example.