Website Architecture - SEO Tips From Google & Bing

The website architecture is an extremely crucial aspect of search engine optimization. The structure of your website plays an important role in determining its placement in the search results and its performance on the web.

Search engine optimization often begins with the basic site structure itself. Because unless you have an efficient website structure, there is no way you can seek to rank well in the search engines. No matter the great content on your website and the high volumes of inbound links it receives from the web, if the basic site structure is flawed there is no way you can achieve the desired ranking for your website. And this fact is well recognized by major search engines. In fact, both Google and Microsoft Bing have discussed the issue in their blogs and offered tips to enhance the same.

Tips from Google

Good website architecture ensures that the search engine robots are able to crawl and index the website easily and effortlessly. Here are some tips to make that possible.

Robot.txt File

Check the robot.txt file of your website and make sure it has the correct status and does not return an error message.

Follow Industry Practices
While moving to a new website or when you are using the 'Change of Address' feature, make sure you consider the best industry practices and employ them efficiently.

Proper Blockings
Review the settings of the robots.txt file and make sure that all the web pages, especially the ones that are rewritten or are dynamic are blocked` appropriately.

Rel=Canonical Attribute
Use the rel=“canonical” attribute so that search engine crawlers do not index the duplicate content on your domain. This attribute is extremely helpful during the indexing process and informs Google that all the duplicates are bundles up with the canonical and only the original page should be indexed.

Tips from Bing

Descriptive File and Directory Names
Descriptive names are not only easier for the users to relate to and remember but they also increase the relevancy of web pages if you use your strategic keywords and phrases in the names. In case of long file names, use hyphens instead of underscores. This is because, hyphens help search engine crawlers to parse long file names properly and treat them as individual words rather than taking them to be a meaningless long keywords.

Directory Depth

Your directory should never be too deep. This is because search engine crawlers don't crawl websites endlessly till they hit rock bottom. So, if you place important content too deep in the directories, chances are it will never be reached by the search engine crawlers. Therefore, focus on creating shallow directory structures no more than four levels from the root directory.

File Size of Web Pages
Limit the file size of each web page to about 150 KB. Search engine crawlers might just abandon heavier pages.

On-Page JavaScript & CSS Code
If your web pages contain JavaScript or CSS, then make sure the content is not inline within the HTML page. This is because JavaScript and CSS generally make the web pages excessively long and thus they are not crawled effectively.

301 Redirects
Use 301 redirects for web pages that you move to a new domain or when you change the names of files and folders in order to retain the link juice

Custom 404 pages
Implement custom 404 error pages to inform the users about the absence of certain web pages and know how to get back on your website. Make sure you inform them about what went wrong, how they reached the particular page and where they can go from there.

All these tips will help you design a strong and efficient website structure that not only caters well to the visitors but also fares well with the search engines!