Real Time Search - Is It The End of Traditional Search?

One thing that is constant on the world wide web is change. One-time things are an unknown concept on the web because anything that needs to succeed online needs to be constantly evolving and keeping pace with the changing times. And it is no different for search engine optimization. The traditional SEO activities are not enough to have a successful online presence in today's times. Rather, it requires aggressive search engine marketing and now optimization for social media as well!

Successful online marketing of your business requires much more than plain search marketing. Social media and audience interaction play a pivotal role in defining the success of an online endeavor. Most people don't realize it but social media plays a huge role in improving the search engine rankings of a website.

Web users want relevant results for their search queries. Relevancy is the basic aim of all searches. This was the traditional approach to optimize contents for search engines. However, the new mantra is 'engagement'. The aim should be to engage the users and that is why search engines are increasingly shifting their focus from keywords to users. Users should be the center of your search strategy and no keywords.

Real Time Search vs. Traditional Search

Real time search is a hot buzzword in the present times. And its more than just a buzzword. It is something that is rapidly becoming more popular in the web world. All this while traditional search is still there.

In fact, there cannot be a generic competition between real time search and traditional search. Thats because the 'whats happening right now' can be or cannot be more relevant than 'what has happened in the past'. It all depends upon what the user is looking for.

Twitter has been the brand ambassador of real-time search. You get to know the latest piece of information based on what people are discussing on the website. Even Google is working on updating its algorithms and incorporating so that it can fasten its indexing process to provide users with the freshest of information. And even Facebook is not far behind with its announcement to launch its Lite version that'll be more on the lines of Twitter. One key consideration here is outside search engines don't index information contained in Facebook updates and this may eat of a portion of the pie.

Social media has become an integral part of the search engine optimization process as well as search engine marketing. This is because social media is based on user engagement and armed with critical information about target users, marketing strategies can be made more effective. Moreover, social media is an effective tool for word-of-mouth publicity, a very strong marketing tactic. By networking with people you can actually reach out to their networks, the networks of their networks and so on.

The world wide web is a huge social ground where you are as successful as you are popular. Thats is why it is important to focus on people, not keywords, and give then what they need, be it timeliness, relevancy or both. Users are what make or break brands in the business world and the case is no different on the Internet.