Blogging for Humans and SEO

If you write in a blog at least a few times a week you will know that it takes a great deal of work to really get visitors to start coming over to your blog and reading. Blog loyalty is something that is tough to break no matter what you do and often times you might never break someone away from a blog that they frequent on daily basis. There are however some important things you can do with your post to get more eyes bumping into your precious content over time.

Outbound Linking: If you are speaking about a topic that has already been written on somewhere else by an industry leading source link to that source. External linking on a blog is just as important as internal linking so make sure you link to some highly powerful industry sources to help your over all SEO. This effort could actually bring more than one positive outcome back to your business.

Quoting: Do you have a guru in your industry that everyone listens to? Someone who seems to have all the answers and the complete attention of the room? Even if you don’t really like the person you should make a habit of referencing that person from time to time in your blog. For starters it might get you on their radar screen and your post might start to rank for that person’s name.

Blog Lay Out: There are elements of the development of your blog that might be holding you back from moving around the search engines a bit. Make sure that features like related posts, most commented posts and recent posts are all visible in the side bar of your blog. The drastically helps with the internal link building of your blog and really aids in the overall SEO structure of your blog as well.

Commenting: Do you have your blog set up so people have to sign in to leave a comment? Or even worse you have comments shut off right now? Fix both of these errors. Comments significantly help in making your blog posts viral which in return will help the SEO of your blog post naturally. Don’t make people to be able to comment on your website.

These are areas that are really blog design and marketing 101 tips. They might sound mundane to some but they are crucial to others if they ever want to have any sort of website traffic to their blog.