Minimalistic Design - The New Buzz Among Web Designers

Minimalistic web design has gained strong grounds. What has made this simple approach so popular and loved? Why is it this potent in determining a business's success? This article summarizes the answers to these questions.

Web Designing has become an entirely different stream altogether, unlike the past scenario. There was a time when web designers were just associated with themes, templates and colors. It is no more like that today! A designer today has to stay integrated with other streams that decide on the entire look of a web page, a template, a newsletter or for that any other information medium! Web design has evolved a long way, beautifully and at an astounding pace. From the days of an entire color plate, it has filtered down to a sorted, more clear and clutter-free minimalistic design. Minimal is the trend. The simpler, the better. Now, what is so great about a simple bi or maximum tri-colored thing? Let's find out!


  • Focus on the main element

This is possibly, the most important factor that has given the concept of minimalist design such a rise. A lot of clutter, animations speaking, lots of colors, less of white and a lot of effort to convey a particular concept actually pushes the subject of focus to a back chair. In a run to hold attention (in most cases, the intention is fulfilled, but for the wrong cause), the main reason is missed out. It is obvious that the viewer would appreciate a wonderful design, but if he fails to understand the motive behind the design, it designer is not much of a great designer! Minimalist design rubs off all unnecessary clutter and gives the subject of focus, the main-seat. This facilitates the viewer notice exactly what is intended to be noticed, eliminating all chances of getting the message wrong.


  • A perfect combination of neutrals and fluorescents

Many colors together, irritate the pupils and retina. When you look at a bright picture, you would constantly feel the urge to replace it with something that is more soothing and more organized. The color combination, that minimalist design advocates, includes a perfect combination of neutrals with other colors. Commonly, it is a back-drop of white with a dominance of black or vice-versa. Other colors are used to a minimum scale. Apart from making the picture, friendly to eyes, it gives a more organized and disciplined look to the thing that is being viewed. A lot of colors, imparts a shabby and cluttered feel.


  • A tactful placement of text

Apart from the colors, a lot depends on the fonts used and the positioning of the text. A designer must know the audience and then decide on what kind of arrangement is the medium destined to. It is magical to note the change in feel that is brought about with change in the arrangement of text. A thing, that would look friendly, can be made to look elegant and sophisticated just by changing the font type color, indent and arrangement. Minimalist approach embraces a basically simple font specification.


  • Optimal use of white space

The general trend, till the recent past was to fill up the entire white space with pieces of information. The idea was to bombard the viewer with all kinds of information, no matter, what part of the screen he looked at! Well, that is old school now and people no more like to be flooded with information. What holds attention now, is the optimal utilization of white space. A good designer must know what he is supposed to do with the empty space. Google is the best example. Look at the Google-Doodle page that opens up when you type Google. You would find a huge area empty. We like it, don't we? This is quite opposite to what other search engines have done! Well, if you are not aware, its minimalist approach is one of the prime factors that has contributed to the huge success of Google.

Minimalist is not a fad. It is here to stay and thrive. Use it and you would see the change it brings about in your online business.