6 Steps for Successful Branded Email Marketing

Email – it was nearly non-existent in the early 1990s, but now it has over 2 billion users worldwide. With so many marketers wanting a piece of this massive distribution channel, it’s no wonder that email marketing has steadily increased in popularity over the years.

Although email marketing has a lengthy list of benefits, no one said that achieving success from the method was easy. How do you stand out in the constant stream of daily emails flooding your readers’ inboxes? 

1. Collect Email Addresses.

It’s important not to underestimate this very basic but necessary first step. The

more email addresses you collect, the larger your audience becomes. If you frequently attend events, request email addresses either on paper or electronically. Both iCapture and OnSpot Social offer lead capture apps for tablets. You can also invite people to join your email list through an electronic form on your Facebook page, website, or blog.

Make sure that only people who have opted in to receive your emails are on your email list. People on your email list who have not voluntarily opted in to receive your content may flag your emails as spam. This could negatively affect the success of your future email campaigns.

2. Invest in High Quality Email Marketing Automation Software.

Email marketing automation allows marketers to send extremely personalized automated email campaigns in such a way that builds and nurtures new leads. It has become an integral tool in many B2B and B2C sales processes.

For companies looking to maximize ROI while saving money and resources in the long run, an investment in email marketing automation software is worth considering.

3. Grab Your Audience’s Attention.

It all starts with the subject line. Be creative, but don’t be misleading. It is extremely disappointing for a reader to see a subject line only to open the email and find something drastically different than what he or she expected to see. This also causes your reader to be suspicious of future emails from you.

4. Write Content Branded Specifically for Your Audience.

Whether it is the deal or discount of the week, the latest industry news, or the funniest viral videos, find out what appeals to your audience and share it with them. The marketing automation solution Salesfusion points out that “an audience is simply one individual or a large group of individuals.” Try to keep your language personal and use your reader’s name if possible.

Also, remember to be specific, avoid generic-sounding language, and present a call to action. Don’t know what your audience wants to see? Send out a survey or questionnaire and ask your audience what type of content they would like to receive from you.

5. Test Your Emails.

There’s nothing worse than sending an email out to hundreds or even thousands of people before discovering a formatting glitch or that the full subject line doesn’t show up in the email. This is where email testing comes in. It is also wise to test the HTML and plain-text versions of your emails to help you decide which one would be best for your audience.

6. Analyze Your Results and See What Works.

Did that email with the 50% off coupon get the highest open rate you’ve seen in months? Take note for the future. See what is successful and what is not. The more emails you send, the more data you have available to analyze and apply to future campaigns.

Success in email marketing is tricky, but it is far from impossible. When done correctly and with the right tools, it can drastically increase ROI, audience engagement, and brand exposure.