The 3 Digital Marketing Trends Every Ad Agency Should Look Forward to

When executing advertising, it's best to think of yourself as an uninvited guest in the living room of a prospect who has the magical power to make you disappear instantly." - John O'Toole

We completely agree with O'Toole's quote. Digital advertising is picking up pace at the speed of light. If you don't have anything new or unique, you risk yourself to fall behind. In the coming years, it will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. A New York Ad agency should be aware of the upcoming trends that can change the face of advertising. According to the recent surveys, the digital Eco space will grow aggressively in terms of spending and innovation.

The campaigns will need to be more interactive and innovative. To prevail in the digital avenues, leading agencies and companies will have to embrace new-age art, interactive developments, rich storytelling and much more. The key for creating campaigns and strategies will be to encourage the customers to interact with the brands. Let's take a look at what we can look forward to in coming years.

Programmatic Buying
The agencies and the technologies will continue to evolve at a fast pace. The process of buying an ad space has given headaches to the advertisers for years. Programmatic buying will prove to be a very powerful tool to change this scenario. Bid pricing, budgeting and network reach can be easily set by the buyer along with automated real time reports. Every New York advertising agency will be looking forward to this as it provides marketers an opportunity to create, optimize and target cross-channel ads.

Real Time Marketing
Real Time marketing and advertising will continue to evolve in coming years. The process uses GPS technology to optimize ads that are based on the locations. This can be used to deliver customized campaigns based on the latest trends according the audience. The agencies must be properly trained for it rather than jumping into this opportunity. If optimized properly, real time marketing can yield great results.

Adding Interactive Features
This will be an amalgamation of native ads and editing prowess. It is mainly focussed on the advertorials. These have more of an editorial content. If your agency is well informed about advertorials, you can use this feature to encourage reader participation. It is developed specifically for the online space. With a healthy competition going on between the native ads and editorials, adding interactivity can prove to be very fruitful for businesses. As a leading New York advertising agency, you must keep an eye on this trend.