The Secret Formula For The Perfect Viral Sharing

Going viral is the goal of almost every content creator whether you're a blogger or marketer. It means that you have created something that resonates with a huge audience and gets liked, retweeted, republished to the point where your article, infographic or video is getting a huge amount of views. It's an incredibly powerful outcome for you and your brand, but it isn't something that can be predicted. When creating your content, keep in mind the following:

  • There are different degrees of virality – Many people think of viral content as something that appeals to a broad range of people, but this isn't always the case. You can easily have your content go viral within a particular interest niche. While you might not necessarily get the same numbers, you'll more likely attract and retain potential leads.
  • There are limits to going viral – There is, unfortunately, no way for you to make your content go viral. It is something that your audience decides. You might be able to nudge it in the right direction, but ultimately it is about luck and timing. The only thing you can do is concentrate on making all of your content compelling.
  • Make sure your content is easy to findIf no one can find your content, then there's no way it will ever go viral. Make sure your content is primed for search engines by using specific keywords, answering a question or using certain turns of phrases. You should also leverage your social media accounts to announce when you upload your newest pieces.
  • Engage with your audience – Ultimately, it's the connections and conversations on content that turn web content viral. Make it easy for people to contact you if they want to know more through comment boxes, IM, forums or emails. If you do receive comments, make sure to answer them quickly.

If you're ready to start your path to virality, the following infographic can provide more information on what exactly your content should include from emotional reactions, timing and even article length.