Marketing the Best Way Around the Internet

When your job is to market your company’s brand or the brand of someone who hires you, what are your go-to sources of marketing?

For many marketers, they turn to some of the old reliable tools such as traditional marketing via newspapers, magazines, radio and TV; email marketing, flyers and pamphlets, social media or even mobile marketing.

So what if you could do all of those methods and come out with a bundle of business as a result of all your time and effort?

While it may sound a little overwhelming for some marketers and/or business owners, others will tell you it can be done.

Variety is the Spice of Life

In order to formulate a well-rounded marketing initiative; try to do as many of the above-mentioned marketing vehicles as possible.

This means:

  • Traditional – Even though some of the better-known marketing methods can get a tad pricey (especially newspapers and TV), they can also put your brand in front of countless consumers. Maybe your task is to market Internet services to residential and commercial buyers. Whether you market FiOS Internet or a number of other such companies, make it so that you convey to consumers all the great things that come with your product and/or service. Note all the options your product provides, the affordable price, and the great customer service to boot;

  • Email – Although some marketing pros have been weaning themselves off of relying on email marketing, many others still see it as a go-to promotion. If you are still turning to email marketing, make sure the emails are interesting and something consumers will want to read, not quickly dispose of in their trash folder. Keep the message simple and sweet for starters. Also make sure you do not become a spam king and therein an irritant to those you’re trying to do business with;

  • Flyers and pamphlets – Another tried and trusted source of marketing, flyers and pamphlets still have their respective places in the world of marketing. The key here is to strategically place these marketing call-to-action messages. From trade shows to the local Chamber of Commerce, distribute these vehicles wisely and where you stand to get the most bang for your dollar. Also, make note of such efforts on your website so consumers know what you’re up to;

  • Social media – When it comes to social media marketing, this is something you truly can’t pass up. One of the many positives regarding SM is it really does not cost a ton of money if you do it properly. Sure, you may have to hire someone in your business to oversee the social process or outsource your networking needs, but many times it can be done rather cheaply. Put your brand out there on social networks (don’t forget LinkedIn) and see how social media can go to work for you in such a short amount of time;

  • Mobile marketing – When it comes to this animal in the room, some marketers and/or business owners are still on the fence. Many indicators point to mobile marketing as only getting bigger in the coming years, but that still has not convinced everyone to get on board. As long as you have a consumer’s permission, you can text them myriad of specials and rewards that can lead to more sales. If you haven’t gotten your mobile game in gear to this point, make this year a priority to do just that.