6 Link Building Resources to Enhance Search Engine Rankings

Rankings play a vital role in running an online business. Better search engine rankings mean improved organic traffic which consequently mean increased ROI. However, with the latest Google algorithms and updates, it becomes difficult to improve search engine rankings.

In modern SEO, links work like a magic want in improving website authority and SEO. A recent study has shown that more than 37% of businesses invest more than $10,000 and $50,000 every month on link building strategy.

Developing useful and informative content actually helps in building links. It is not only easier to get useful links through content but also improve brand identity of a particular company. However, a majority of business owners still don't have any idea how and where they should promote their content and build quality links.

Therefore, we have pulled together some of the best link building resources to help you make the most of your marketing strategies and tactics.

1. Use educational linkbait and get quality .edu links

The concept of getting .edu links first came into the picture in 2011, but it has constantly been updated to meet the modern day SEO strategies. Well, as a matter of fact, a majority of strategies that used to work once have dissipated now such as barely-written content, duplicate content, directories and articles etc. But education websites have remained a great source of quality links. According to the latest study, educational links have proven to be the most powerful and quality links that a website can get.

2. Linking out

Linking out is a great strategy to rank higher in Google. The major benefits of linking out include useful information for readers, search engine awareness, encourage other sites to link back to your content, and improved brand and site awareness. In order to improve your blog authority and ranking, it is always advisable to create as many outbound links as you can. In fact, outbound links offer a clear idea about your site to search engine simply because of all the relevant links. In addition, it is an amazing way of building relationships with other blogs and sites. Consequently, it enhances your site authority.

3. Screaming frog link building

Screaming frog is a premium search engine optimization tool that crawls different sites' apps, CSS, images and links from an SEO approach. It is one of the great tools to build strong relationships with other websites and blogs. The tool tells when to increase your link building efforts and when to let it take a back seat. Make the most of this tool by integrating into your site and monitor the ins and outs of your link building efforts.

4. Get Social

Social media popularity is growing at a rapid pace. Not only businesses use the power of social media platforms to spread the word about their brand but also to drive huge traffic to their sites. As a matter of fact, there are various social media platforms available today include Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Hubpages, Myspace and much more. Promoting quality content on these platforms offers high-quality links directing to your website. This is a tired and proven technique of generating links.

5. Diversify your links

You probably are running a web development company, but building links with only development sites isn't going to solve the purpose. Firstly, you may find good and sufficient amount of sites to link your site to. Secondly, it does not make sense in putting all your eggs in one basket. You never know when and why a website removes your link and throw all your efforts down in the drain. You need to diversify your links, and efforts. There are millions of websites on different niches. Targeting different sites can prove to be extremely beneficial for your website.

6. Let Google do it for you

You can always take help from Google. After all, it is the one that brings traffic to your site why not take one more favor from it. You need to search relevant websites in the Google search bar and add intitle:”SEO strategies” inurl:”links”. You would be presented with a list of millions of sites that allow you to generate quality links. You need to send a custom email to these sites and ask for a link. It may sound a tedious and time-consuming task, but it's worth every second.

Wrapping up:

Improving your search engine rankings does not have to be difficult. It's no rocket science provided you know how and where you should put your efforts. Besides all these link building resources, you should also work on blog sponsorship, social media networking, broken link building, and guest blogging. They are also great link building resources.