Six Skills That Make You (And Your Brand) Marketable

Many professionals are finding it difficult to make inroads in a new career in today's economic climate. While some industries have begun to take off, others simply cannot support a growing pool of employees. Anyone who is looking to stand out and land the client or job of their dreams will need a number of unique skills and traits that will set them apart from the competition and put them on the fast track to success.

Be Coachable

No matter how prepared you may be to enter into the job market or transition into a new field, you will not have every single skill that a job will need. As the economy continues to evolve, employees are being asked to pick up new skills or adapt their own skills to a new job more than ever. The only way to accomplish is to become coachable and teachable. Companies want employees that they know can rise to any task, even if it is out of their own comfort zone. The same goes for clients who are on the fence about committing to your business.


While sitting at a desk from 9 to 5 does still happen, many companies are changing the landscape of how business is done. For many, this means more traveling or even telecommuting. Employees may find themselves being asked to work odd hours or stagger their days off in order to meet the company's needs. If you have found a position or company that you are interested in, then keep in mind that flexibility may be the final selling point for landing the job.

How to Create a Positive Online Image

Over half of all social media users are more likely to buy from a brand that they follow online. Creating a positive online image can no longer be an afterthought, and this includes how employees represent themselves and the companies that they work for. Modern employees must know exactly how to promote their company and what they can do to further the goals of their employer through social media.

Basic Coding

Not every single employee needs to be an experienced computer engineer, but they should all have at least a passing knowledge of coding and how some basic forms of technology work. These skills can become invaluable when a company needs to migrate data using SQL or to make some minor alterations to a blog post. At the very least, modern professionals want to understand the basics of coding languages and what they are used for. You can find educational learning tools online via several organizations and learn these skills as part of ongoing training and education.

Personal Branding

If you're just starting out as an entrepreneur, chances are your budget is tight. This doesn't mean you can't make an effort to create a professional personal brand. By using Agaci coupons to stock up on accessories and business dress basics, you can keep your wardrobe-building costs low without sacrificing style. Potential clients and customers will react more positively to a person who looks in control and put-together than they will to one who looks like they couldn’t care less about representing their company or themselves.

The Ability to Collect and Analyze Information

Big data is a driving force behind many successful businesses. Having the ability to not only collect this valuable information, but to also analyze it and then turn it into actionable data is imperative. This type of data can often be used to keep an eye on the competition, understand consumer habits, or simply find areas in the company where money can be saved. If you are unsure of what big data is and how it is used, then it may be time to learn more about this technology.

Global Awareness

Almost every single employee is going to come into contact with clients in cultures that are not their own and this is why all professionals need to begin developing global awareness. This does not mean that employees need to be fluent in multiple languages, but they should have the ability to work in a fast-paced environment with many different cultures and points of view. This type of mentality can be a major advantage for new employees that are trying to get their foot in the door.

While new technology continues to grow, it often seems like the world is getting smaller. Entrepreneurs and companies who want to grow their brand must begin developing some of these skills and personality traits if they want to keep up with these changes.