Content Marketing Rookie to Super Hero in 12 Weeks [Infographic]

Content marketing is one of online advertising's most popular fields. At its core, the concept is simple: Businesses create and publish content in the form of posts to convert viewers.

But there's far more to content marketing than simply writing up a few blog posts. Every content marketing campaign needs to have a mission whether it's to convert viewers into customers, gain more social media followers or have people sign up for a mailing list. 

The greatest pitfall of content marketing today is its sheer volume. Because anyone with an internet connection can register a domain and start publishing content, there is a vast number of spammy, junk content online that makes it difficult for newcomers to stand out even if their content is 10 times better than the competition. 

Thankfully, you can still succeed with content marketing if you know the right techniques. This infographic from SocialMediaMarketo shows you 50 proven practices that you can spread out over a 12-week period to publish content that gets results. Remember to succeed in content marketing you must start by creating great content that has been well researched and go beyond a bunch of basic images.

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