10 Methods to Increase Your Internet Presence

10 easy methods to let the world know you are out there. You can have the most informative Website, or be selling the greatest product on earth, however it does you no good if no one knows your there!


So, you are on the Internet, you have a Website or Blog that is full of valuable information or a great product. You have spent alot of time designing your Site, and you are happy with it, and your viewers will be also---If you had any. Day after Day you check your Stats only to find that nobody, except you or maybe a few friends have visited your Site. You visit numerous Sites, Sites that have a great deal of traffic, and find that your Site is just as informative, or has Great information, just as they do. So what is the problem?

Welcome to the Internet, you are now a "Webmaster", the Author of your own Website, the Designer, everything is in your control, but with Little or nothing to show for it. You have followed every method in developing a great website, you have ton's of information, or loads of products, you just don't have the "Internet Presense". Internet Presence=Someone knows your there!!!

So how do you get this Internet Presence? How does one standing in a crowd get noticed--By Screaming!!! No matter what product or service you are trying to sell, there are numerous Websites and Blogs devoted to the same product, some sucessful. some not so sucessful. They have the same product, so what is the one thing that determines their sucess or failiure--Viewers, people, customers---that's the difference.

How do you scream???

There are several thought's on the best and most productive methods to improve ones traffic to their Website or Blog. Without a great deal of traffic coming to your Site everyday--you might as well just hang it up, traffic is the key to any sucessful Site. This Traffic is only achieved by alot of work--not the 30 minutes a day sales pitch you will receive from so many of these Affiliate Programs. You must use every tool avaliable to you to be heard by numerous people, and have links to your Site plastered in as many places on the "NET" as possible. The methods I will list below are very effective, I will not bore you with a description of each method, as that would take numerous pages.

1. Write and Submit Articles to Numerous Article Directories

2. Manual Traffic Exchanges

3. Join Entrecard

4. Join Forums related to your subject

5. Join Twitter

6. Submit to Website Directories

7. Offer a Newsletter

8. Leave Comments on other Blogs

9 Create a Blog and advertise your Site or Product


10. Join Blogging Comunities

If you use these methods and stick to them you will gain an Internet Presense and increase the traffic to your Site!!!