7 Steps to Create a Successful Viral Marketing Campaign?

How to make marketing campaign "Go Viral"?

The goal of every marketer is to create a marketing campaign that "goes viral". However, not every marketer end up in creating a viral marketing campaign that they intended of doing so. Think it like a recipe craving for some secret ingredients. 

Viral Marketing Campaign

Hush-hush! The secret of a successful viral campaign is the cohesive combination of 5 elements - strong visuals, clear message, targeted audience and added emotions.

In this piece of article, let's find out missing elements from flop viral advertising campaigns and as a marketer "WHAT" one should do to make their advertising campaign "Go Viral"?

1. Appealing visuals

In almost all instances, things that go viral are visually appealing. When marketers design their viral campaign, then the first and foremost thing that they must do is "add an image or video".

In particular campaigns, the entire advert is text based. Thus in that case one must design a compelling video or an image that can go along the text message.

Do Not Forget – Visuals added in a campaign must "VIRAL WORTHY". Insert the elements of surprise, humor or information in such manner that readers cannot resist themselves from sharing that campaign in their groups.

2. Use robust tactics to plan the message

In the vast array of viral campaigns, some are accidental while most are carefully planned. Remember, one cannot plan campaign's message with certainty that it will go viral, but one can make sure that "message" is loud and clear.

Prepare a careful narrative of an infographic or video, so targeted audience apparently receives that ultimate message.

Then, if marketing campaign goes viral as perceived, then marketers can share that campaign with more and more people.

3. Add some Emotions

Every viral advert that you see around, whether it is Budweiser's cute puppy video or grumpy cat's image tug on people's emotions that makes them viral.

Think like a smart marketer and play on your audience's fear, dreams, sense of humor or hopes and your campaign will be more likely to go viral.

It is not like, text-based posts or information does not go viral but in several cases information alone is not enough to capture the attention of the audience.

4. Who is the targeted audience?

If the marketer is using an emotional trigger in his or her new advertising campaign. Then it is essential that he or she must have a fair knowledge of what kind of audience will be affected by that emotional trigger?

Answer following questions before conceptualizing viral campaign –

1. What information targeted audience is looking for?

2. Are they looking to be entertained?

3. Are they hoping for some super-secret information?

When marketer identifies these triggers and smartly put them on the content, then the ultimate message will be more efficient.

5. Keep the marketing campaign simple

Successful viral campaigns follow the rule of 4Cs– calibration, curation, concise and circulation. If people come across any novel, then it is highly unlikely that they will share it further. On the other hand, if there is an infographic or 2 minutes video evoking the emotions of sadness, humor or entertainment then definitely people will like and share them.

Play around 2 or 3 advertising objectives in your campaign and keep them simple but attractive for targeted audience.

Once, a campaign goes viral or establish a substantial number of "likes and share" then release related additional information to targeted audience.

6. Launch the campaign - Impeccable timing is must

It is like opening Pandora's Box, as a marketer you do not know what kind of response your campaign will receive from the audience.

Planning and designing a viral marketing campaign is one thing and scheduling its launch is another. One cannot randomly release their marketing campaign anywhere or anytime. One has first to find, where is their targeted audience (i.e. which social media sites to target first) followed by their log-in hours (i.e. at what hours targeted audience is found active on those sites).

7. Stop! Do not force it

Do not force your campaign on your audience, if it is going to viral, it will eventually. And, if it is not then no blasting marketing technique is going to make it "viral".

Make a stealth move and remind your audience about the campaign in a casual way. Strategize your launch and reminders for better response.