What is Content Advertising and How Should You Use It

Marketing and advertising worlds are so rapidly growing, that one may not realize when one trend has replaced another and what it is about. However, another problem is that when we see familiar words but don’t even bother about its sense as everything seems too obvious.


That is the case for content marketing. It is very simple here: it is the process of advertising your content, when you pay for impressions or clicks. The most common mistake is to mix it with content marketing.

Why are they different?

When we talk about content marketing we should understand it as providing our clients with useful, problem-solving and relevant material, like recipes at the website of the cookery brand. Key point here is that most of the materials on the Internet are content and, what is more, they don’t require budgets.


That’s the moment when everything becomes different. Content advertising is paid and you can have a bill for it.

Why do we need content advertising?

On the surface, social media and other channels do the same job as content advertising:

  1. help to explore your content;
  2. provoke responses;
  3. encourage engagements.


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Content marketing ensures you that all the content you have created and improved will certainly reach your target audience.


There is no need to oppose content marketing to advertising. The latter one is one of the biggest breadwinner for media, and together, both of the directions will do more.


Once again: content advertising is not another type of native advertising or content marketing. Its main function is to cope with the challenges that organic channels can’t do.


Common idea of the approach is not about social, search or other “side” ways to distribute. It is more elastic and simpler to handle and control.

What you should know about content advertising

  • It is, first of all, advertisement of your content.
  • When you start implementing it, all the channels are suitable, including emailing.
  • It would be unwise to disregard offline sources of content advertising.