The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing

Almost every organizations across the globe are using digital marketing especially in order to endorse and make their venture more popular, regardless of other objectives. This is a challenge to those who want to take risk in this marketing strategy but with little to no background knowledge and exposure to this field.

Understanding the digital marketing concepts is so important because like in other modes of marketing, maximizing the available resources can be surely done, also wasted efforts will minimized to even nothing at all. And despite of the rapid changes it always has, as long as the basic concepts are learned, the possibility of executing it is not at risk.

This guide to digital marketing can explain some of the ideas that every digital marketers must know and will surely encounter in this vast marketing technique.


Search Engine Optimization

Popularly known on its acronym SEO, this is one of the popular digital marketing methods around. Aiming to make a website visible to various search engines like Google, SEO is having targeted traffic to the website by the presence of keywords that will be used in organic search engines.

Here are some of the terms relating to SEO:

  1. Keyword- this is the word or term that should be typed in a search engine upon looking for a particular product or service.
  2. Indexing/Crawling- web crawlers help to identify what a certain website or page is all about, then indexed and the information consolidated will determine the relevance of the website.
  3. Link- An essential part in using SEO method, links help the website to be steered faster, also in linking the website to others and in from other websites.


Search Engine Marketing

Also called SEM, the concept of this marketing strategy is for quick results when looking for a product or service online. It uses advertisement options to the website’s advantage by making it quickly visible in the search results. Basically, the concept is same with SEO, only that it is paid.


Here are some of the linked to SEM:

  1. Pay-per-click (PPC)- A person who clicked the advertisement which will be directed to the website will be paid.
  2. Click through rate- The rate of the number of people who decide to click the ad right after seeing it.
  3. Conversion rate- The ratio of the people that click, review, respond and buy the products or service.


Email Marketing

This strategy is more interactive compared to SEO and SEM. And because of its wider access and opportunity, this is one of most powerful digital marketing methods.

Generally speaking, email marketing is conversing to an audience through the use of email. Once the email marketer gains permission to send the content of the website after acquiring the email address, the communication starts, discussing the convenience along with the possible struggles and obstacles that may come the audience’s way.

With this broader scope, there are more ways to introduce the potential client the product or service, along with educating them as well.

Content Marketing

One of the disadvantages of using internet is its reliability. With so much information and offers, it is completely normal to become vigilant since there is no assurance that a particular information is really existing. Unfortunately, people has been seeing this internet dependency as an opportunity to steal from others. This is where content marketing steps in.

Basically, content marketing is about posting a valuable content about a particular service or product. In order to ensure that the product will catch more audience, the content writer must be done by a person who can strongly influence the public especially in the way he uses words to attract audience.