3 Digital Marketing Tactics Every Business Should Be Implementing

Almost no one will be exempted: businesses of any scale must integrate digital marketing as part of their business strategy to avoid being left out in the golden virtual age. The power of digital marketing continuously exceeds the means for companies to promote their existence and their business’ capacity to meet consumer needs and wants. Now, the competitive landscape for all industries has narrowed down to three things: building value, consistency, and relationship with the consumers.


There are two common mistakes that businesses often make:

  1. They should incorporate all forms of digital marketing tactics in every stage of their sales funnel as long as it drives people and achieves targeted results.
  2. Some companies overlook the potential of leaving a digital marketing tactic which could’ve potentially driven them more sales or might’ve gotten great results but failed to do so due to focusing on other marketing tactics that can’t meet the target goal.


There might be different digital marketing tactics that companies can utilise, but not all of them will fit their marketing strategy. Find out the top 3 digital marketing tactics that all businesses should be implementing. 


Search is the future, that’s why SEO and PPC will be staying at the top of the digital marketing game. Contevo is a leading digital agency who strongly suggests that businesses shouldn’t only invest in one way to boost their website traffic that’s why A/B testing to find out which one works best for them.


You thought we said three digital marketing tactics only, right? Here’s the thing: many people who have little knowledge of different digital marketing tactics confuse SEO for PPC and vice versa. The only difference between PPC and SEO is that PPC is paid while SEO lies more on building up organic traffic. An SEO strategy would not be fully effective without using paid search campaigns, that’s why SEO and PPC go hand-in-hand.


 Use SEO when you have the following goals in mind:

  • When you want consistent results
  • If you want to become a go-to website for a certain niche
  • When creating value to your website’s content


Meanwhile, here’s when you need to include PPC:

  • If you want to see immediate results
  • When releasing limited-time offers, promos, or giveaways
  • When targeting for high traffic
  • When your website isn’t SEO-optimised yet
  • If you want to dominate the SERP


Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most affordable digital marketing tactics that you can utilise this 2019. Driving website traffic, conversions and sales, building brand awareness, and engaging with the target audience has been made easier through social media. Having a solid social media strategy this 2019 will help you determine what your brand’s purpose will be, which will be a good opportunity for businesses to improve the value of the product or service that they offer to consumers.


Social media is the perfect place to build meaningful relationships with consumers. Here are the following metrics in social media which can help you determine if you’re doing social media marketing effectively:


Post Reach

Reach pertains to the number of users who have seen your post. In order to find out if you have a good social media presence, post reach plays an essential role in organic marketing.


Link Clicks

Link Clicks are the clicks to your website, to a landing page, to a third-party article or to an events page. It’s important to track those clicks because it determines your consumer’s behaviour: what makes them curious or try out a new product.


Post Engagement

Engagement = total number of social interactions / total number of impressions. Post engagement lets you know how consumers perceive your brand and how they interact.


Content Marketing

Content marketing is king and will still reign on the digital throne for the coming years -- that’s why every business are doing beyond their ability to keep up with the trends, especially in a visually-driven market that’s constantly changing. If there are three things that businesses have to remember when doing an effective content marketing, it must be consistent, authentic, and engaging.


 Here are some content marketing trends that matter and should be considered by businesses:

  1. Content Marketing and Artificial Intelligence
  2. Creating a feasible and measurable content marketing strategy
  3. Voice search-friendly content
  4. Unique collaboration with influencers
  5. Incorporating more contents and targeting wider audience