7 Ways to Rebrand Your Business and Gain Attention Online

In many businesses, rebranding becomes necessary at certain stages of development. Without a constant look at the brand and how it is advertised to the public, there is a greater chance of a poor profit turnover. Also, rebranding of a business is very effective when the initial brand doesn’t produce the required results. If your business is currently experiencing a downward trend in raking in revenue, or if you need the profile of your business to keep increasing, give rebranding a serious thought.

For a rebrand of your business to be successful, you have to understand the reason why the change is needed. After this you need to know the type of overhaul your brand needs. A rebrand doesn’t necessarily mean you have to tear down everything and start from scratch. A simple name, logo or business model change can be an effective effort to turn the fortunes of your business around.

In a business rebranding effort, it is necessary to make adjustments to the digital part of your marketing campaign. This may have been irrelevant three decades ago, but a weak online strategy almost certainly spells the end of any business nowadays. With more and more people drifting from traditional brick-and-mortar business centers to the internet, you have to give your online presence serious thought.

When you rebrand your company without paying attention to your online reputation, customers may view your business as more of the same. It is a necessity to include new features into your online channels when you intend to gain more attention on the Web. This is why we’ll be taking a detailed look at how to effectively rebrand your business with a view to increasing your business’ online appeal.

Get an Appealing Logo Design

This may seem a bit irrelevant to some companies, but a logo design change when rebranding is marketing gold. Companies such as Coca Cola, Shell, Apple, AT & T, IBM and others have used a logo change in rebranding their company. These changes had an instant effect on the online presence of these companies. It is fascinating to know that many of such companies are still reaping the benefits of a simple logo change decades ago.

If you aren’t sure of what type of logo design you would like created for your brand, or even how to create one, we recommend you visit LogoMyWay, and see the many different types of designs they have listed on their site and even ones that have been created from users using their free logo design tool.

Place More Resources on E-Mail Marketing

When you intend to rebrand, your focus should be on customer retention. This is because if you can’t keep your old customers, how can you expect a prospective customer to trust your business? E-mail marketing is the easiest way to keep your business in the minds of your existing customers during the rebranding period.

If you’ve had a recent name or business model change, endeavor to remind your customer that you still offer the same services, and have now become capable to do much more after the rebrand. This is also an easy method prospects use in determining whether you have what they need or not. This will ensure your customer base doesn’t reduce, and sets the tone for the business boom you desire from the rebrand. LinkedIn used e-mail marketing to great effect in their early stages of development to attract online visitors.   

Get Your Customers What They Need

You can use a rebranding effort to your advantage if your business had issues with customer satisfaction. Before this overhaul takes place, you can get your customers to fill out an online survey through your site. To get your customers to access your website may be simple, but to get them to fill the data is another thing entirely. This is where you may need to entice your customers with an offer they can’t refuse, a free product or service. Your customers can give you valid suggestions on what they expect from your product or services. With this information, you can easily get a rebranding that works, and keep your customers satisfied. Various stats from a study carried out by SuperOffice show that majority of customers see the brand name as a vital factor in determining their buying decision.

Use Bonuses to Drive Traffic

Bonuses work both ways, you can use it to get reviews from your customers that will help your brand. You can also use it to simply boost web traffic to your site. Customers will tell you where changes need to be made to ensure they are served better if they get something in return. This helps in many ways, and can give your business a better online presence in a short time.

Many successful online businesses make use of bonuses to increase web traffic to their site. To further understand how bonuses can work, let’s take a look at the strategy adopted by Neil Patel. This SEO and digital marketing expert released Ubersuggest, an online keyword search tool in for free in late 2017. What followed was an astronomical growth in web traffic to his site to download the app. You can also use this approach to boost traffic to your site, beat the competition, and establish a stable online presence.

Use Social Media to Boost Your Profile Online

According to statistics, social media is now the leading platform for interaction than any other online platform. Statistics reveal that at least 3 billion people in the world today are on a social media platform. So if you intend to get a better presence online for your brand, you need to tap into the growth potential social media provides. This can be achieved through the creation of external links to your social media pages from your site and vice-versa. Companies such as Cisco and Uber make good use of social media marketing in getting better traffic to their website.

Content Promotion Is Still Vital

When in need of a brand restructuring, content promotion still works magic. You have to get more traffic to your site through other more established sites. Paying for advertising space online is expensive, but if the ads for your brand are placed in a strategic landing page, you could get more visits to your site and boost your online presence. You can also make good use of Google Ads to boost your brand through online advertising.

Make Your Rebranding as Public as Possible

To get the best out of rebranding your business for a better online standing, you have to spread the word. Spreading the word involves regular expenses but the cost is eventually worth it. You have to get in constant contact with your target consumers, and try not to shove your product in their face. When your brand has an established following from being reliable in your selected area, it becomes possible for the brand to sell its product effortlessly.

Final Thoughts

Rebranding isn’t an easy business, but with the right approach to boosting your business profile online, you can get more benefits. You have to pay close attention to how your business fares online, as it is vital to the survival of your investment.