How to Get Started with Video Marketing 2021

As the digital world is witnessing innovations, the market is getting competitive. Finding a way to capture your audience's attention might look complicated, but it's not. It’s just been done through the video editing software.


In today's world, every business uses video advertising to market products. And by the year 2022, video marketing is projected to make up about 82% of the consumer internet traffic.


We all love to see video commercials of the big brands like Apple and Samsung. When these companies launch a new product, they market it to the audience in an appealing way. That's why their products generate millions of dollars upon release. All thanks to video marketing strategies that they use for their business.


Every person consumes video in today's world; that's why video marketing is essential. If you have a business and if you haven't used video marketing for your business, then you're missing a lot.


Don't fret! If these big companies can scale their business through video marketing, so can you. Now let's take a look at what video marketing is.


What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a strategy that helps marketers to promote their business. It drives sales by making videos then promoting them on different channels. You can do the marketing as a video commercial on TV or as a post on social media like Instagram, YouTube, etc.


Promote your business with EaseUS video editor. Video marketing is one of the most beneficial ways of promoting your business and content. Below we mentioned some reasons why video marketing is better:


1. High Retention

Videos have the power to keep the audiences on the screen for a long time. Sometimes, people are in search of a free video recording software for high retention then EaseUS Recording Experts are always here. Best video marketing strategies will help you keep your audience engagement with your videos till the end.



Many research types show that good video content is most likely to be remembered by the audience for a long time. It could help the marketers with more conversions for their products.


2. Covey your Message Easily

We all know that the internet has the answer to every question, but it's a form of textual information. This textual information might not be understandable; that's why videos are easier.


A simple video with some graphics is a lot easier to understand for an average person. Also, videos will keep the attention of the audience for a long time. Furthermore, textual information is often dull; that's why videos are beneficial.


3. Increased CTR

Videos can increase the click-through rate to up to 65%, which is a lot. If you send a weekly email to your audience, they might not read it frequently. But, if you send your weekly emails with a video in them, the CTR chances increase. For increasing CTR, you just don’t need video editing software but also recording software.


4. Unique Touch

Many marketers say that videos perform better and help reach out to the broader audience. It is one of the best marketing strategies than any other marketing medium.


Videos give a unique touch to business and help resonates with the audience personally.


5 Types of Video Marketing

Video marketing is indeed an attention grabber strategy used for any business. There are types of videos that have their purposes for different audiences.


So, before creating videos, it's essential to understand the type of tapes to understand it better.


Here is a list of types of video marketing:


1. Live Streaming Videos

Live streaming videos help you engage with your audience to a greater extent. It is one of the best ways to connect with your customers and audiences.


If you have a social media handle, you can host a live stream session with your audience once or twice a week.


2. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are to the point videos that help you to explain your product. What are the products? And how the product works?


The explainer videos are perfect for maximizing your business as it helps the customers.


3. Brand Videos

Our life is filled with a lot of brand videos, whether small or large. It is a part of larger campaign advertisements, which helps the brand to gain more traffic.


Brands use social media or TV to generate traffic to their products. Brand videos mostly include content like the brand's mission, its products, and services.


4. Tutorial videos

YouTube has many tutorial videos that help the audience to understand a thing. Users can utilize screen recording software to record informational tutorial videos.


Many brands use this mode of creating videos to help their customers understand a product better. You can use this video marketing strategy if you want to educate your audience about something.


5. Animated Videos

Animated videos are a great video marketing strategy to gain the attention of your audience. It comes to be the best way to explain a difficult concept to your audience, especially children.


Animation is a unique and creative way to gain the attention of people. You can use different video editing software or animating software for this purpose.


Best Platforms to Promote your Videos

We all know that there is no benefit of video making with promoting your videos out there. Making the right videos and promoting these videos on the right platforms can help you a lot.


If you post a prank video on LinkedIn instead of YouTube, it'll never be going to work out for your business. So, here are some platforms that you should use to promote your videos.


  • YouTube: YouTube is the biggest online platform to watch different videos. So using YouTube to promote your videos will help you a lot.


  • Instagram: Instagram is another platform to get engagement from an audience by posting IGTV videos.


  • Facebook: Facebook has over 500 million daily users that's why it's a beneficial video promoting platform.



Using video marketing strategies for your business is the need of the hour. Be it a small business or a large one, video marketing can benefit you a lot to gain the attention of people. In this regard, we recommend you to use EaseUS Video Editor if you are looking for an easy-to-use video editing software.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore the world of video marketing and reach out to more people today.