320+ Do-Follow Social Bookmarking Sites List 2021 [Verified & Updated]

Do follow social bookmarking sites that will help you build high-quality backlinks. Do check out the high DA Social bookmarking list & achieve 1st position.

What is a social bookmarking site?

Bookmarking is a process where you can bookmark a website on the same browser so that without any hassle you can access it directly from there. Similarly, Social bookmarking is the process of highlighting or tagging a website on various web-based platforms which are featured as bookmark post. These web-based social bookmarking platforms provide a variety of features that enable users to discuss and communicate their opinions. Social bookmarking sites are the most convenient way to get backlinks and exchange information. People bookmark the link in a variety of categories based on their business niche. A successful bookmarking strategy helps you get a lot of high-quality backlinks, which will help to boost your website’s SEO.

Let’s dig deeper for the list of social bookmarking sites

Benefits of social bookmarking sites 

1. Increase traffic

Accurate business niche and accurate tags can help you drive a lot of traffic from social bookmarking sites. If your content is highly engaging then you will get huge relevant traffic to your website.

2. Faster indexing

Whenever the spider crawls the social bookmarking sites automatically your website links which are present in social bookmarking sites get crawled by the spider. Eventually, this helps in faster and regular indexing.

3. Increase backlinks

A high-quality bookmarking site builds high-quality backlinks for the links that are present in social bookmarking sites. The more your website will associate with good bookmarking sites you get more good backlinks. It helps you strengthen your SEO profile.  

4. Higher SERP position

When you get high-quality backlinks from social bookmarking, your website will become more powerful on the search engine result page (SERP). Hence, this propels your site up to achieve a higher SERP position.

5. Social signals

Crawlers consider these social bookmarking as social signals. The more you will create your presence on different websites, you will be treated as the more popular one by the crawler. As a result, it assists you in improving your ranking.

Here are a few social bookmarking sites that will strengthen your web presence and help you get more high-quality backlinks.

S.No Website URL Domain Authority
1 atavi.com 41
2 design-buzz.com 35
3 getsocialpr.com 33
4 bookmarkbay.com 31
5 socialnetworkadsinfo.com 32
6 socialmediainuk.com 35
7 whitelinks.com 21
8 buysmartprice.com 23
9 bloglovin.com 93
10 scoop.it 93
11 livejournal.com 92
12 hubpages.com 81
13 minds.com 87
14 fanpop.com 82
15 killerstartups.com 57
16 share.bizsugar.com 55
17 wishlistr.com 56
18 traffup.net 40
19 Links.wikitechguru.com 42
20 site.highdabookmarking.com 33
21 mettablog.com 29
22 bookmarkja.com 34
23 weboworld.com 22
24 bookmarkstime.com 31
25 tutpub.com 27
26 steemit.com 89
27 diigo.com 89
28 plurk.com 88
29 instapaper.com 86
30 tumblr.com 85
31 weheartit.com 77
32 padlet.com 82
33 list.ly 81
34 wakelet.com 66
35 bibsonomy.org 53
36 submitlink.seorankhub.online 19
37 bittrexs.seorankhub.online 19
38 bitlio.seorankhub.online 19
39 coincage.seorankhub.online 19
40 coindelta.seorankhub.online 19
41 excoins.seorankhub.online 19
42 fbxv.seorankhub.online 19
43 kvfk.seorankhub.online 19
44 validatedtrust.highprseo2018.online 19
45 advertisement.bookmarking.site 33
46 apple.bookmarking.site 33
47 valantine.bookmarking.site 33
48 dating.bookmarking.site 33
49 digital-india.bookmarking.site 33
50 global-india.bookmarking.site 33
51 digital-approch.bookmarking.site 33
52 arts-and-entertainment.bookmarking.site 33
53 smart-jio.bookmarking.site 33
54 creditcard.bookmarking.site 33
55 solitaire.bookmarking.site 33
56 classifieds.bookmarking.site 33
57 booksellers.bookmarking.site 33
58 codes.bookmarking.site 33
59 colours.bookmarking.site 33
60 brightness.bookmarking.site 33
61 autozone.bookmarking.site 33
62 glass.bookmarking.site 33
63 webcrawler.bookmarking.site 33
64 admin.bookmarking.site 33
65 gallery.bookmarking.site 33
66 pogo.bookmarking.site 33
67 beach.bookmarking.site 33
68 trailers.bookmarking.site 33
69 networking.bookmarking.site 33
70 holiday.bookmarking.site 33
71 casino.bookmarking.site 33
72 answers.bookmarking.site 33
73 questions.bookmarking.site 33
74 unknown.bookmarking.site 33
75 rainbow.bookmarking.site 33
76 research.bookmarking.site 33
77 dowry-prohibition.bookmarking.site 33
78 inspirations.bookmarking.site 33
79 birthdays.bookmarking.site 33
80 halloween.bookmarking.site 33
81 quotes.bookmarking.site 33
82 industerial-plant.bookmarking.site 33
83 horoscope.bookmarking.site 33
84 speedtest.bookmarking.site 33
85 movies.bookmarking.site 33
86 maps.bookmarking.site 33
87 evernote.com 92
88 slashdot.org 91
89 trello.com 91
90 flipboard.com 91
91 lastpass.com 89
92 reddit.com 91
93 getpocket.com 91
94 feedly.com 85
95 openfaves.com 32
96 wirefan.com 29
97 cloudytags.com 31
98 bidinc.org 25
99 updatesee.com 25
100 dzone.com 83
101 techdirt.com 80
102 mix.com 78
103 metafilter.com 85
104 medium.com 95
105 archive.org/web/ 94
106 tagged.com 80
107 contently.com 75
108 qwant.com 79
109 intensedebate.com 78
110 webwiki.com 49
111 itsmyurls.com 74
112 fark.com 76
113 mendeley.com 70
114 symbaloo.com 66
115 livebinders.com 58
116 spoke.com 58
117 start.me 59
118 mind42.com 56
119 thebrain.com 57
120 dropmark.com 59
121 storeboard.com 56
122 bagtheweb.com 54
123 zeef.com 53
124 raindrop.io 55
125 app.wisemapping.com 50
126 tools.bookmarking.site/ 32
127 toys-and-games.bookmarking.site/ 32
128 call-centers.bookmarking.site/ 32
129 education-and-training.bookmarking.site/ 32
130 electronics-and-electrical.bookmarking.site/ 32
131 employment.bookmarking.site/ 32
132 universities.bookmarking.site/ 32
133 consultants.bookmarking.site/ 32
134 events.bookmarking.site/ 32
135 blogs.bookmarking.site/ 32
136 shoppings.bookmarking.site/ 32
137 travelers.bookmarking.site/ 32
138 boy.bookmarking.site/ 32
139 coldfusion.bookmarking.site/ 32
140 database.bookmarking.site/ 32
141 bigdata.bookmarking.site/ 32
142 webmonitor.bookmarking.site/ 32
143 onlineschool.bookmarking.site/ 32
144 itservices.bookmarking.site/ 32
145 payrole.bookmarking.site/ 32
146 businessloan.bookmarking.site/ 32
147 spiders.bookmarking.site/ 32
148 .insurance.bookmarking.site/ 32
149 factories.bookmarking.site/ 32
150 charity.bookmarking.site/ 32
151 chats.bookmarking.site/ 32
152 brokers.bookmarking.site/ 32
153 linguistics.bookmarking.site/ 32
154 wholesale.bookmarking.site/ 32
155 weddings.bookmarking.site/ 32
156 pets.bookmarking.site/ 32
157 interior.bookmarking.site/ 32
158 driveways.bookmarking.site/ 32
159 conservatory.bookmarking.site/ 32
160 web-promotion.bookmarking.site/ 32
161 articles.bookmarking.site/ 32
162 hospitality.bookmarking.site/ 32
163 expert-advice.bookmarking.site/ 32
164 traders.bookmarking.site/ 32
165 travel.bookmarking.site/ 32
166 restaurants.bookmarking.site/ 32
167 hotels.bookmarking.site/ 32
168 franchises.bookmarking.site/ 32
169 advertising.bookmarking.site/ 32
170 property.bookmarking.site/ 32
171 products.bookmarking.site/ 32
172 support-services.bookmarking.site/ 32
173 celebrations.bookmarking.site/ 32
174 stumbleupon.com/ 90
175 digg.com/ 93
176 reddit.com/ 91
177 bizsugar.com/ 55
178 scoop.it/ 93
179 festivals.bookmarking.site/ 32
180 politics.bookmarking.site/ 32
181 christmas.bookmarking.site/ 32
182 office-products.bookmarking.site/ 32
183 outdoor-recreation.bookmarking.site/ 32
184 videos.bookmarking.site/ 32
185 banks.bookmarking.site/ 32
186 hospital.bookmarking.site/ 32
187 capital.bookmarking.site/ 32
188 debate.bookmarking.site/ 32
189 destinations.bookmarking.site/ 32
190 attractions.bookmarking.site/ 32
191 hobbies.bookmarking.site/ 32
192 poker.bookmarking.site/ 32
193 recreation.bookmarking.site/ 32
194 literature.bookmarking.site/ 32
195 post.bookmarking.site/ 32
196 emailing.bookmarking.site/ 32
197 posters.bookmarking.site/ 32
198 trends.bookmarking.site/ 32
199 dieting.bookmarking.site/ 32
200 dynamic.bookmarking.site/ 32
201 candid.bookmarking.site/ 32
202 candid-price.bookmarking.site/ 32
203 undertake.bookmarking.site/ 32
204 government.bookmarking.site/ 32
205 workplace.bookmarking.site/ 32
206 bookmarktou.com/ 39
207 elearningtags.com/ 31
208 financial-hub.net/ 23
209 yoomark.com/index.php 41
210 listbookmarking.com/ 25
211 snaps.bookmarking.site/ 32
212 goldenmidas.net/ 35
213 bookmarksmywebs.com/ 22
214 video-bookmark.com/ 44
215 social-key.com/ 17
216 bookmarkbay.com/ 31
217 newsciti.com/ 20
218 a2zbookmarking.com/ 19
219 bookmarkfeeds.com/ 24
220 ewebmarks.com/ 21
221 socbookmarking.com/ 15
222 seosubmitbookmark.com/ 18
223 clickone.co.in/ 26
224 seorankhub.online/ 19
225 highprseo.info/ 26
226 seozone.highprseo.info/ 26
227 links.insertarticles.info/ 29
228 submit.insertarticles.info/ 29
229 onlinelinks.insertarticles.info/ 29
230 scoop.insertarticles.info/ 29
231 seotool.insertarticles.info/ 29
232 storify.insertarticles.info/ 29
233 wix.insertarticles.info/ 29
234 crazy.highprseo.info/ 29
235 seoupdates.highprseo.info/ 26
236 usaseo.highprseo.info/ 26
237 deeplink.highprseo.info/ 26
238 neroseo.highprseo.info/ 26
239 easylinks.highprseo.info/ 26
240 tshirts.bookmarking.site/ 28