10 Mistakes to Avoid in Instagram Marketing

With over a billion active users across the globe, Instagram is a gold mine for all the digital marketers out there. While a lot of businesses are playing upon Instagram marketing, a little mistake can take your business into reverse gear. It seems to be a cakewalk from the outset, a lot goes into making your Instagram marketing strategy work.


To reap maximum benefits from this visually magical platform, here are 10 mistakes that a marketer must avoid at any cost.

Say ‘NO’ to Incomplete Bio

Taking your account’s bio too lightly isn’t a mistake, it’s a crime. Yes, you read that right. Your Instagram bio is the first impression of the brand and probably the last if not a lasting one. As far as an Instagram account’s bio is concerned, simplicity should be at the center of it. Simplicity with a hint of a quirk in your bio sets the tone of an amazing Instagram marketing strategy. 


Instagrammers Hate the tag ‘Private’

If ever there’s a survey about what people don’t like on Instagram, ‘Private Profile’ would surely be in the top three. I mean, what’s the point of putting all that effort into making those exciting posts if you had to limit its popularity? Your audience doesn’t have the patience to wait for their request to be accepted. Period.


Build your Image Right

On a platform that’s known for its visuals, posting a bad-quality image is a joke. The quality of the image is directly proportional to your image among your audiences. Simply put, you should rather prefer not posting anything than going for a bad-quality image. Sending out a clear message with minimalistic tweaks is how you must proceed with your next Instagram post.



With a maximum of 30 hashtags allowed, it doesn’t imply that a post only works when it has all 30 added to it. The whole idea is to make your post searchable. While it’s said that using around 20 hashtags works just fine, you must always experiment with what works best for you. On top of it, avoid using irrelevant hashtags.


Warning Alert: Fake Followers & Likes Ahead

Here’s a pro tip, there are no shortcuts to success and the same applies to Instagram marketing as well. By buying followers and likes, you’re not fooling the audience, you’re following yourself. Never compromise on long-term goals for short-term gains. Don’t panic, just trust the organic. 


Engage, Engage, and Engage

One thing that should be at the heart of your Instagram marketing strategy is how you engage with your audience. Whether it be negative feedback about your brand, you must get into a conversation with them. While in case of a positive one, don’t forget to showcase your creative aspect. None of the messages or comments should go unanswered. 


Embrace the Change

Just when the news of TikTok getting banned broke, their massive fanbase had nowhere to go. And that’s where the advent of ‘Instagram Reels’ took place. While a lot of businesses were hesitant to embrace this change, the first movers took maximum advantage of the same. Here’s a fact, whenever Instagram rolls out a new feature, it promotes and increases the visibility of all the posts using the new feature.


‘Coz Life’s too Short for Boring Content

In a world where millions of posts are made every second, posting boring content is just a waste of time and effort. If you’re posting just for the sake of posting something, then Instagram marketing is not your cup of tea. Boring and duplicate content shouldn’t be an option for you even when you’ve nothing else to post.


Analytics. That’s the Heading

There’s a reason why Instagram made an analytics feature available for all the business accounts out there. There’s a reason why it caters to you with different data points. That simple reason is to allow you to make data-driven decisions. There are no better decisions than the ones backed by data and analysis. I think that sums up the importance of analytics.


Set a Goal and Take Control

In essence to Instagram marketing, proceeding without defining your goals and objectives will eventually mess up things. Set a goal and put all your time, effort, and resources in that direction. And you will love this platform more than ever.


Parting Words

While making mistakes is part and parcel of the digital marketing world, what sets you apart is how swiftly you move on. I hope this little piece of the article adds value to your Instagram marketing strategy. Turn your mistakes into opportunities to take your brand presence to greater heights.