How to Jumpstart Your Text Message Marketing Strategy to Boost Marketing Results

Text marketing, also called SMS marketing, is nothing new. Yet, it is one of the most underutilized methods to promote your business.


Here's the thing: Text messages have a whopping 98% open rate. This means that your subscribers will likely check out your message.


In addition, people seldom leave their phones. So much so that they will automatically reach for it when they hear it beep. That said, sending a promotional SMS prompts your subscribers to act.


If you are yet to tap the power of SMS marketing, here are six tips you can follow to kickstart your text marketing strategy:

Set your goals

We start with the obvious one, and it's amazing how many marketers tend to miss this. You can't work on results with any project if you don't know what you aim for.


So, you should know what you want to get out of this campaign. It can be sales, site visits, or responses. Doing so can help you identify the kind of SMS that you should send.


Keep in mind that SMS can prompt action or response from your subscribers. So, make sure that you know what the pay-offs are before you start sending messages.

Build your subscriber list

In building your list of subscribers, you need to know the best practices in SMS marketing. So here are some ways to encourage prospects and customers to opt in to get your marketing texts during every point of contact:


  • Facebook: Includes a mobile number field and an opt-in tick box to any sign-up form your share on your page.
  • Website: Place an SMS opt-in on your landing pages.
  • Email: Put an SMS opt-in on your newsletters.
  • Direct Mail: Place SMS opt-in instructions on your business mails.
  • In-store: Have an available sign-up sheet on the counter for your customers to receive the latest promos, events, and so much more.
  • Mobile: Sent opt-in texts like "reply with YES to get discounts from X company"


However, make sure that you validate the phone numbers you've gathered. You can use a verification code so that you can avoid sending text messages to the wrong number.


In addition, your customers would like to feel that they're special. So, make sure that you customize your messaging by segmenting your contact list.


Tailor your messaging as well as your offer to your audience. For example, you can offer new customers free shipping on their first order. Meanwhile, you can send an upsell campaign based on your customers' earlier purchases.

Use an SMS marketing platform

Your campaign will need some investment in a software package that's tailored to SMS marketing.


However, note that not all SMS platforms are equal. In addition, they'll provide you with various functionality at different prices.


So, make sure to conduct your research on each platform and choose based on your needs, budget, and what's best for your business. For instance, you can utilize a mass text messaging service to send mass text messages on a scale.

Focus on delivering real value

Remember that when sending your customers texts, you're inviting them to their personal space. So, make sure that what you're offering them is worth their time.


The key is to send text messages that provide your customers' value. Think about how valuable your texts will be to them.


Let's say that you run a clothing apparel store, and you want to send a recent customer a message. You can text her, "Hey Anne, thanks for purchasing from us. Enjoy 10% off by entering this special discount code on your next purchase!"

Timing is everything

When sending an SMS campaign, you need to consider the timing as well. Chances are, messages will likely be opened when they're awake and have their phones within reach.


If you're sending coupon codes at 4:00 AM, you are likely to piss your subscribers off. This will prompt them to unsubscribe.


An ideal time would be before and after working hours or during lunch hours. You'll also need to have a test market to know what times work best for you.

Measure the results

You also need to monitor your performance to know what's working and what could be improved. So make sure that you monitor crucial marketing metrics.


This can be your open and conversion rates, sales driven by your SMS campaign, and unsubscribe rates. That way, you'll know how well your campaign is performing.


You should also run A/B tests on two similar text campaigns, one with a critical difference.


For instance, you are using a different offer or tagline. Monitor the results so that you'll know what works best for you.


Overall, SMS is an easy and effective way to reach your audience wherever they are. That's because people likely have their phones in their hands or their pockets. And by following the SMS marketing tips listed above, you will be able to launch a successful text messaging marketing campaign.