Why Cloud Computing Is Important In Modern Marketing

Modern marketing agencies are increasingly migrating to the cloud for their storage and computing solutions. Here are a few of the most important reasons for this mass migration.


Big Data

Marketing is an increasingly data-driven industry. Many marketing agencies make use of big data. Big data sets are constantly being created by consumers and businesses as they navigate and communicate in an increasingly networked online world. These data sets are diverse and allow for extremely useful analysis by marketing agencies. These data sets are vast and increasing exponentially in size. This requires a data storage solution that can be easily upgraded as data multiplies. Cloud storage fits the bill perfectly.

Data Backup

Cloud computing and storage solutions allow for the automation of data backup. This is an immense advantage for marketing agencies, as they can rest easy knowing that their all-important data is being kept safe in multiple locations. There are several cloud management solutions that enable secure backup. One of the most popular emerging solutions involves a hybrid management system. In this kind of system, data is backed up partially on the cloud and partially on-site, which ensures that data will be safe even if one kind of storage is completely compromised by a malicious attack or hardware failure.

Security and Privacy

While cloud storage and computing solutions work by giving remote access to multiple parties, they also have many privacy and security advantages. All good cloud computing providers encrypt information while it is in transit between servers and end-users. Likewise, multi-factor authentication is usually an option available to marketing companies when they sign up for a cloud computing or storage solution. The data held by marketing agencies can be sensitive in many ways. Data can concern consumer information that would be embarrassing if released. Data can be leaked for use by other marketing agencies, or manipulated and held at ransom by hackers. The security features baked into every good cloud computing service help to relieve some of the anxiety surrounding information leaks that goes hand in hand with modern marketing.

Cooperation And Remote Work

The global coronavirus pandemic has seen the widespread adoption of remote working within marketing. A great many marketing professionals now work from home. In order to make the most of remote working, employees need to be able to cooperate with clients and colleagues. Cloud computing and storage essentially allow staff to work remotely while having access to all of the collaborative tools they would have if they were working from the office.

Access To Tools

Applications are also able to be accessed remotely using the cloud. Many marketing agencies use specialized software to analyze content and data. It would be extremely expensive to install this software on every employee's computer so that they could work from home. If applications are hosted on the cloud as part of a web-based software service, then employees can gain access without an agency having to spend money on individual software licenses.

Resource Access

As this article has already discussed, modern marketing is a data-based affair. Access to resources, including data collected for marketing purposes, is essential if an employee is to construct good quality marketing copy and strategy. Hosting marketing data on the cloud enables employees to work proactively with the best data the company can muster. It allows them to justify the marketing decisions they have made using statistics, which is a great help when seeking return custom from clients.

Cost Savings

Cloud computing and storage enable marketing agencies and their clients to grow exponentially without having to invest in hardware. This is a crucial development. Businesses ideally want to focus on offering services as opposed to the integration of new hardware. Cloud computing is far simpler and cheaper to expand than traditional server systems. Cost savings also extend to education. The learning curve necessary to use cloud services is minimal. Most employees will already be aware of the cloud and use it in their private lives. Hosting and using resources on-site specific servers, however, requires the development of internal systems and the training of staff on how to use those systems. Education takes time and costs companies money.