Using Twitter to Grow Your Business and Increase Your Sales

Do you want to use Twitter to grow your business? 

Perhaps you want to use it to make more sales or get more website visitors. Or maybe you just want more followers?

Do not worry if you struggle with Twitter. Lots of companies spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to build up their Twitter presence but see little results. 

However, Twitter is still not waste just because it does not work for you. With enough work and knowledge, you can turn your Twitter account into a great tool to grow your business

This article will cover the best ways to use Twitter to grow your business and increase your sales.

Build Up Your Followers

The first step to using Twitter to grow your business is to have a large number of engaged followers. The keyword with this step is “engaged followers,” which means you should never purchase followers on Twitter (or any social media platform).

The fastest way to get engaged followers is to tweet out relevant things to your followers and join in on conversations that you see on Twitter.

Just make sure to do this in a way that does not appear too spammy.

Find Influencers and Interact with Them

One of those great ways to build up a following on Twitter is to find influencers in your industry and interact with them on Twitter. Make sure these interactions do not appear like spam.

Instead, you want them to appear genuine and valuable. This increases the likelihood that they will respond to you and maybe even mention your brand. 

What is better than a relevant outreach media influencer having a public Twitter conversation with you?

Not much.

Run Twitter Ads to Your Email List

You have an email list, right?

If you do, then you can upload that email list to Twitter. Twitter will then match up those email addresses to registered Twitter accounts. 

You can then choose to run advertisements to that list. This is a great way to remind people about your brand and even to make them aware of your Twitter account. 

It is an especially useful tool when you have a new product to release. You can send an email and then run an advertisement to that same list on Twitter.

Remember, the more times they see it, the more likely they are to remember it. 

Use Proper Hashtags

Hashtags are probably one of the most important parts about using Twitter. However, perfectly using hashtags is often tricky and something that no one agrees on.

A good rule is that most tweets you send should have hashtags attached to it. It should not have more than five hashtags, but even five can be too much. Three or less seems to be the ideal amount. 

Choosing the proper hashtag is also important. You can choose trending hashtags if you have a relevant tweet. Otherwise, you should choose hashtags that are somewhat popular, but not so broad that everyone uses them. Even better if the hashtag is niche-specific.

Finally, you should use at least one branded hashtag in a tweet. This way if people search for your brand, then they will quickly find at least one tweet from your company.

Monitor Relevant Keywords

Monitoring relevant keywords is another thing that many brands ignore on Twitter. They merely take a passive role with Twitter and only tweet but do not actively search for relevant topics. 

A good strategy is to search for relevant keywords on Twitter. For instance, if you own a outreach agency in a town, then you can monitor keywords like, “Guest posting service + [town]” and variations similar to that. 

You can even create a bot that will monitor those keywords. Some bots will even send a relevant tweet, but that is risky because it can result in some inappropriate tweets. 

A better option is to have the bot alert you via email when someone tweets one of your keyword phrases. You can then look and see if you can leave a relevant contribution. 

If you can, then you should tweet something relevant. Again, just make sure that your tweet reads like something a human would write. Do not make it sound robotic. 

Interact with Followers

If you already have a decent amount of Twitter followers, then you will likely get replies to your tweets. Do not just ignore those comments. Make it a goal to respond to every response that you receive on Twitter. 

Most brands ignore their Twitter replies, but this is a mistake since lots of great secondary discussions occur in Twitter replies. 

Obviously, if you receive thousands of replies to all your tweets, then replying to each one just is not feasible. However, most brands are not at that level. 

Overall, make sure to reply to all the replies that your tweets receive. And yes, that even includes the negative responses. In fact, you should always respond to negative tweets as those ones can damage your brand.

One final point, make sure to respond to the tweets publicly. A direct message has the same effect, but no one can see that you responded, which does not look good.

Check Your Twitter Analytics

Twitter has Analytics software that can provide a lot of information about the performance of your tweets. This includes impressions, engagement rate, and search relevance. 

The most important part is the engagement rate. Use the engagement rate to determine the type of tweets that your followers like the most. For instance, if you see a large number of retweets on original videos, then spend more time making original videos.

Final Thoughts

All in all, growing your business by using Twitter is not something that is too difficult. However, it is something that you will need to spend some effort attempting to do. You cannot take a passive approach to Twitter and expect to get any decent results. It just will not work.