Effective Low Cost Marketing Strategies

You can promote your new or existing business on limited budget. You don't need million dollar ads on the Super Bowl to get the word out about company. These techniques will involve a time commitment to develop but will produce long term results. Many of these suggestion are excellent toward building relationships that are critical to business survival.

Is your business is Internet based or operating offline?

It doesn't matter because you should be using both mediums to market your business. Low cost marketing ideas are only limited by your imagination. Start brain storming creative ways that you can uniquely promote your business.

Business Cards.
Think of these as inexpensive billboard for your company. Your business cards have your company name, contact information etc., on them. Make sure to include your email and web address. There is a neat feature about business cards, they are two sided. Use the reverse side to list your products, services or even a special offer. Always carry them with you and pass them out. Even if your business is Internet base, you still should have them. If people don't have your web address in their hands, how will the get to your site. Business cards left in the box will do nothing for you.

Create several signatures for your various products, services, offers, promotions or anything else you want to let potential clients know about. Use your signatures at the end of all your email correspondence. The minimum your signature should include is your name, company, email and web address.

This is a great cost effective communication tool if used properly. Use to keep in touch with your clients. Build an ongoing relationship with them. You can send free email postcards on their birthdays and holidays. Use it to let people knowabout any specials or promotions. But remember, NO SPAMMING.

This is an excellent tool to promote your business and get others to use your product and services. You can trade your product for advertising space or for another company's product or service. This is especially helpful when two companies on limited budgets can exchange their services.

My business launched eight years ago on a bartered project for General Electric. I got an unexpected bonus when a local newspaper wrote an article about my company and the job I was doing for GE.

Bartering should be beneficial for both parties.

Mail Outs
Enclose your brochure, ad, flyer etc. in all your outgoing mail. It doesn't cost any additional postage and you'll be surprised at who could use what you're offering.

Reward Referrals
Give a certain percentage of the sale to the person who referred you company. You can also set up a referral program and offer a discount or gift.


An electronic newsletter is far more economical to produce than it's printed counterpart. Either one is a great way to reach your current and new targeted clients. If your time and budget permit, you can do both. There is also a time commitment in producing one. Your bonus eBook "How to start a profitable eZine", tells you how to do it on a busy schedule.

If your schedule won't permit you to be constant in getting it out, don't start one. This will reflect badly on your company and you when you can't deliver it as promised.

Your newsletter must provide something of value for your readers. What kind of advice or suggestions can you offer you readers to help solve their problems. Your newsletter can be an invaluable resource of information. You can use it to announce special offers.

Make it easy for people to subscribe and unsubscribe to your eZine.


Don't have time or want the time commitment required for a newsletter? Write article.

You can submit them to you local newspaper, trade paper, chamber newsletters and don't forget about electronic eZines including this one.

Publishing article creates the image of you being an expert in your field. It adds to your creditability and your published articles make an excellent reference for your company. You can include them in introductory or follow-up letters you send to prospective clients.


This is probably the most powerful, cost effective marketing tool. If done correctly you'll end up with more business than you can probably handle. The goal of networking is how YOU can help the other person. Through the relationship you make you'll eventually build a circle of influence. This circle of influence will begin to grow your business for you. They also become an excellent resource for your clients.

Take the time to cultivate and build those relationships. Remember networking is about the other person. If you keep this in mind you'll never be lacking in sales.

Web Site

Do you have a web site? Is it being used to its full potential?

Your web site is a constantly promoting and advertising your business 24 hours-7days a week. Average hosting is about $25 a month or $300 a year. Where else can you get that kind of exposure for that price. You can reach a broader geographic reach. Being online may put you ahead of your offline competition.

Your site can be updated quicker and less expensively than your printed material. Your customer can go online and learn more about your company and what it does. Your site should be pre-selling your services and or products. Offer information to help your potential client. Use your site for promotions. Not all sites need to be eCommerce.

Look at your site and ask yourself how you could use it more effectively? What opportunities are you missing? How can you better reach your clients. How can you use your site as a communication tool?

You don't need a million in your bank account to market your business. Just creativity and commitment. You also need to track your marketing efforts. Decide what is working and stick with it. If something isn't working, you need to change your approach or forget about it and try something else.

Be sure to schedule time in your calendar to devote to marketing your business. Your business depends on it.